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Proficient (10/14)

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  1. I noticed that Fiver doesn't always have orders, or a seller doesn't always get orders. No matter how good the gig is, the order distribution is done to every seller gradually, are there more sellers now than buyers, or some other issue?
  2. Yes, low reviews will affect the gig as well as future sales, you have to get more orders and try to give the best support to get a 5-star review.
  3. You have to complete the gig requires all the information and if necessary you should take the online test to publish the gig. Thanks
  4. You have to complete a basic English test for the visible publish gig. Thanks
  5. Your gig is never constant in 1st position. every seller continues trying to get a ranking and promotions. You also trying gig marketing on social media for the best position. Thanks
  6. You have to do more study about the freelancing job and see the Fiverr test video for all users. You have to create a professional profile and gig and do marketing for gig ranking. Thanks
  7. Thanks, Allah as you get back your account, hopefully, you will get back your seller criteria as per your job completion. Thanks
  8. You have to create a professional profile and also create the best attractive gig for the attention buyer also you have to do social media marketing for top ranking the gig. And need to be patient to wait for an order. Thanks
  9. Yes, scam message. Fiverr order requests must be displayed on the notification bar if you enabled it before.
  10. Try to gig marketing on social media for increased gig ranking and be patient to get orders.
  11. You can follow Fiverr image guidelines for perfect gig image creation.
  12. Of course, you will get the order, you have to be patient and wait, and also do gig marketing.
  13. You need to get a good ranking result on the Gig and set up the Gig briefs section.
  14. For better solutions, you can contact Fiverr customer support. Thanks.
  15. 1stly you have to create a proper SEO Gig and then promote the Gig on Social media platforms for good performance. Thanks.
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