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Posts posted by techdevo

  1. 7 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

    Again, no, it isn't. Fiverr is a 100% matching service. Search results are not ranked by SEO. The results are different for every user, and what you see -- and where you may see it -- is not what someone else sees. Gigs are matched to likely buyers. Therefore, only those likely buyers will see your gig in their search results. Gigs are not ranked by SEO. The Fiverr marketplace is not a Google-like search engine. That's not how Fiverr works.

    but for match making, you need to get those search words in your title, description, tags, more you have them more it will be give chance to your gig to come more often on first page

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  2. 1 minute ago, jonbaas said:

    Except, that's not really how the Fiverr algorithm works. The Fiverr marketplace is not an optimizable search engine, like Google. It's a matching service. Great gigs are matched to likely buyers. Other gig elements seem to be far more important than standard SEO. 

    yes you are right it doesn't work like google, but fiverr have its own seo algo, there are hundreds of gig on same service and which come on first and last page matters a lot on how you write title, description, tags, images etc its all part of seo in a way

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  3. fiverr introduced brief feature replacing buyer request, you have to make your gig as good and seo friendly as you can, depending on your service and its demand on the platform, you will get brief notifications time to time, so keep working and improving your gigs

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  4. On 9/25/2022 at 12:46 PM, donnovan86 said:

    Well people were able to ask for a revision when they needed more time to check the content. I had multiple revisions like this without nothing to change. I assume some customers need this. But it can be prone to abuse too. Especially if you deal with a reseller.

    absolutely, it gets horrifying after sometime 😕

    is there any blog, document written by fiverr to check out more information on this feature

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