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Posts posted by zenter

  1. I'm honestly tired of this, it's not the first time a buyer decides to place an order on my gig without previous talking about the project with me and possibly without reading my description either. They just bought the package and sent me a song that's impossible for me to remake (and it fits into the description of music I can't replicate in my gig description). I explained to them in the order chat and they did not respond. So now I'm here in front of a work I cannot complete, and my only option is to ask the buyer to cancel the order and then have my stats dropped and my profile affected by this? I think it's unfair. And I know contacting CS won't work because they will want me to request the buyer to cancel the order by the means Fiverr offer you, so I will probably have my stats dropped anyway. I'm honestly discouraged about it. 

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  2. So apart of getting a drop on our stats after a cancellation and getting our profile shadow-banned we now have to deal with a very likely 1 star rating? This seems like a disaster feature for sellers.

    On 6/14/2023 at 10:40 AM, Shiran.M said:

    Following this change, we will decrease the rating score threshold for all levels from 4.7 to 4.2 in order to help sellers maintain their rating levels.

    THIS is what makes me think even Fiverr workers know that this new feature would mean a very probably massive rating score drop due to buyers trying to abuse this system or leaving nothing but bad reviews after a cancellation. Please, if you care about sellers revert this decision.

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  3. Hi, since you've already delivered the other six, I think there's no reason not to just re-deliver them again. I think it will be easier for the buyer so they'll have all the files correctly ordered with the revisions they requested. Let them know that you only did changes in the four specific gifs he asked you to.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    I feel your pain. I once had a voice over client who did the same. Stupid instructions when not put into context. 

    If you don't cancel it, you have to deliver it. There's no good solution to this, I'm afraid. You risk getting a negative review if you deliver (most likely, you will get one by the looks of it!) and if you cancel, your cancellation stats will take a hit. 

    BUT... You did explain to the buyer in your inbox that you didn't want to take this job. You clearly stated so, from the looks of it. 

    So, if I were you, I'd reach out to support, explain the situation, and that the buyer is passive agressive and makes you feel very uncomfortable. 

    Support can cancel the order for you without it affecting your stats. They don't always do so, but it's worth a shot! It's your best option at the moment, in my opinion. 

    No matter what, you should block the buyer as soon as your order is cancelled. 

    Thank you, I just submitted a ticket to CS and I'm hoping for them to solve the issue. Thank you for sharing your experience and your advice!

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  5. Okay so here's the issue, a customer sent me a very rare briefing of the work she wants made. She wants a song to sound (and I'm quoting) "underwater, magical and otherwordly", I asked her about that, to explain me what she meant witht those words and she just started texting me things like "I want you to make a beat using your criteria with the info I gave you, and you don't need more info than this one", she then sent me this message after I asked a couple of questions about the song: "Is this a project that you would like to work on and not fake negs me and make me jumb through emotional hoops you would not do with anyone else?". I don't know why she is at such a defensive position, I never treated her badly. 

    After that message I just decided not to work with her and politely told her that I appreciated her approach to me but I didn't feel confident to work on her project. 

    Literally a minute after I answer she places the order, she fills the requirements with the same message of the beginning (the "underwater, magical, otherwordly" stuff) and ends it with this phrase "take all this information and produce something you're proud of for a paying client please and thank you". 

    To be honest, I had little desire to take the job, now I just don't want to do it. But I don't want to cancel either since the last order I had to cancel brought me a lot of problems (my stats dropped to almost 0 for like a month, I only survived thanks to the returning customers). 

    What do you guys advice me to do in this situation? I feel like whatever I make for her she won't like it and will try me to make infinite changes, I also fear to have a very bad rate in case that happens and I decide to stop working in the song. 

    Sorry for the long post, thank you for reading. Have a good day! 

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