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Everything posted by rezaulkarim583

  1. So, the case will result in a cancellation we see, if buyer disagree to extension offer. And affect on our performance rate subsequently. Any help from resolution center can I ask for such case? May be they can check out the whole from starting and delivery and can consider the case? Or something like that?
  2. Thanks for the great suggestions. That's where the questions came on. Recently one of my buyers placed an order prior and the filled up the requirement (Questions etc). Finally when he sent me the task list, there is a huge list to do within the gig budget he chose (eg. it's a 12 hrs gig). Found the task much more time consuming and also the type of task (eg- mine was a data entry VA gig but order was more like brainstorming, making review etc). What can I do in this case. Once again, thank you for your kind response.
  3. I have been providing Virtual Assistance services here on different niches to businesses. Being a broad niche have worked on variation of tasks. My question is, what if someone directly purchase my gig without any discussion about the task and it's volume. As we only have to wait for the requirements submission from buyers and the order starts. Many cases, I got an overload of tasks that don't match with my gig price. What can I do in those case while order cancellation is never a good decision. Thank you in advance.
  4. I have been providing Virtual Assistance services here on different niches to businesses. Being a broad niche have worked on variation of tasks. My question is, what if someone directly purchase my gig without any discussion about the task and it's volume. As we only have to wait for the requirements submission from buyers and the order starts. Many cases, I got an overload of tasks that don't match with my gig price. What can I do in those case while order cancellation is never a good decision. Thank you in advance.
  5. Hello brother, you're account is not suspended. It's just a regular maintenance carried out by Fiverr. Hope to back in 2-3 hours. Cheers!
  6. Seems the the buyer request feature works no more due to excessive fake advertisement. May we expect any improvement on this feature from current maintenance?
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