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  1. Hello, thank you for the clarification. One more thing for emotional purposes, what will happen to the accounts of the sellers whose accounts have been flagged or restricted come March 14? In some cases you find the issue that led to the flagging happened 1 year ago and was resolved yet the account is still flagged.
  2. This new system is very confusing. They argue that "While your freelancer level is determined by your performance on Fiverr, your participation in the level system is determined by your behavior on the platform", does it mean there is a difference between the "freelance level" and the "level system". For example, you can still be able to move from "Level 1" to "Level 2" but you cannot participate in "level system"? or there are certain benefits that are unique to this "level system" that are not available on the "freelance level"? Come 14th March, will sellers retain the current levels (e.g. Level 2) even if you do not participate on the "level system"?
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