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Everything posted by filipdevaere

  1. When they ask for your email, then they try to scam you. 1) report them 2) Block them 3) Problem solved.
  2. And what does 'adding a video' have to do with this?
  3. So you gave him 1 way to increase your response rate. What is the second one?
  4. There are far fewer buyers on Fiverr than in the past. Everyone has fewer orders (including me). The strong will survive and the weak sellers will slowly disappear.
  5. Never work without an order. This is probably a scammer.
  6. That is up to you. I would contact CS when they start threatening to cancel the order.
  7. You will have to deal with this first. Because of this, you will disappear from the search results for 3 to 6 months.
  8. 1) Report them. 2) Block them. 3) Problem solved.
  9. Let me show you one of the reasons why buyers don't contact you or order from you. This is a scenario that often occurs: I am a buyer. I noticed your gig and before I contact you, I'll look at your Fiverr profile to find out who you are. This appears: It is impossible for you to speak 4 languages fluently. The buyer immediately realizes that this is a trick to lure buyers. The buyer is convinced that the language skills are a lie. He thinks that whatever else is in the profile and gig description is a lie. The buyer does not want to take a risk with you and will look for another seller. Conclusion: Don't lie to your buyers.
  10. For sure all your tips/advice is not helping your account. Why should it help @sufian_sumon_? Focus on your account instead of pretending that you know how Fiverr works.
  11. Staying active or being online does not help you at all. This myth is spread by sellers who lack knowledge about how Fiverr works. Check what a Fiverr Staff member posted on September 25, 2023. And another Fiverr Staff member on October 08, 2023. And another Fiverr Staff member on December 06, 2023. And again on December 06, 2023. And again on January 03, 2024. And again on January 21, 2024. And again on February 13, 2024.
  12. Maybe they offer something that you don't offer. And @priyank_mod is right. You have multiple less than 4-star public reviews in the last few months. This means that your performance is going down.
  13. In August 2023, I had 48 orders (my record). I have 14 orders now. There are less buyers. This is mentioned already on the forum. My success manager confirmed this during my last meeting with her.
  14. I fear that I cannot help you. Many sellers have fewer orders because there are fewer buyers than before on Fiverr.
  15. Not getting orders ???? That is not what I see when I check your reviews.
  16. Just looking at the screen and waiting for an order.
  17. I asked for somebody who could write a CE-compliant user manual in Dutch, and later I told Neo that the writer must have a technical background. I just received random writers in Dutch. None of them even mentioned in their profile or gigs that they could write or design a (normal/standard) user manual. None of them had a technical background.
  18. I just noticed that I could suddenly use Fiverr Neo and immediately decided to test that chatbot. I have services on Fiverr that are only offered by myself and a few copycats (who don't get orders for those services, by the way). The chatbot kept suggesting freelancers who were completely inadequate to perform what I asked. Finally I asked why the chatbot didn't provide my name. Now it turns out that my details are apparently not in the system.
  19. I live in China (Asia) and receive orders all the time, even when I sleep. I have customers worldwide.
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