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  1. Thanks for your reply. I will keep that in mind. But one question, how can they send messages on fiverr?
  2. You helped me a lot. I'll definitely do that.
  3. Thank you for your elaborate response. I checked the url before submitting also but i didn't check the last portion of url. Fortunely that card had no money. Fiverr should prevent theses scammer any time soon. Otherwise it can cause serious damage to newbies and their financial life.
  4. Okay, yesterday I got a warning message as well as a qr code. I got the message in my fiverr message and in email said from fiverr. When I scan the qr code it took me a page to fill bank account info. I checked the url there's also fiverr in the url. So I didn't doubt to fill info. But now she is asking to deposit money to my account. $150. It seems suspicious. What's going on? I knew about phishing url but I got email from fiverr, in the url there's fiverr also even i got it in the fiverr message also. Can you explain what's happening?
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