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Everything posted by yelocommerce

  1. Yes, changing your gig images can impact ranking positively if they enhance relevance. Ensure new images align with your gig's theme and branding to maintain consistency.
  2. Growing as a new seller on Fiverr requires a strategic approach and dedication. Here are some tips to help you succeed on the platform: Choose the Right Niche that fits with your skills and passion. Optimize Your Profile by using a professional profile picture and write a compelling description that highlights your skills and expertise. Eye-catching Titles that clearly convey what you offer and detailed Descriptions that explain your services, processes. Offer different packages to cater to a variety of client needs. Include a portfolio of your previous work to demonstrate your capabilities. As a new seller, consider offering competitive prices to attract initial clients and build your reputation. Respond promptly and professionally to messages from potential buyers. Always deliver orders on or before the deadline you promise to maintain a good reputation. Pay attention to feedback, both positive and constructive, to refine your services. Provide additional services or extras that complement your main gig, allowing you to earn more from each order. Building a reputation and client base takes time. Stay patient and persistent in delivering excellent work and promoting your services.
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