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  1. Hi, Issued resolved. Apparently I had made a comment that for some reason was flagged as a breach of the T&C. My case got reviewed and it's all back to normal. Really odd how the whole situation was handled, but it's all good now. Thanks everybody for the support!
  2. Thank you, much appreciated, so far I just got an email from customer support (the one that I have copy-pasted). No email from Fiverr explaining what is going on.
  3. Customer support just replied they wrote: "As mentioned in our Community Standards, using hate speech or discriminating against an individual or group based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion, and s****l orientation, is strictly prohibited." But I have not discriminated anyone anywhere. What is going on? I have emailed my Success manager
  4. I have already contacted support but they did not get back to me. They literally froze my account without any explaination. Has anyone experienced something like this before?
  5. Hi All, I usually do not post on the Forum, but I am a Fiverr Top Seller and I have been using Fiverr for over 4 years. All of the sudden, I am not able to message clients and all my gigs have a red exclamation mark next to it. I did not receive any notifications from Fiverr about this, also I am pretty sure I have never breached the T&C. Can anyone explain? Much appreciated. Thanks! Ben
  6. I think I have found a solution: My gigs are showing as out of office, loads of other users are having the same issue. Just report to Customer Support 😄
  7. Sorry, im a total noob, what would SM be? Also can you please share with me the link to the thread where sellers are experiencing the same issue?
  8. Nah, im happy to do amends for them until they are happy with the final result, that's how nice i am 😄
  9. Heya, these are orders from returning clients, no orders from new clients in a couple of weeks or so. Hopefully impressions will go back up, if i were you I would look for work elsewhere to be honest, really disappointed with Fiverr
  10. Hi Spyros, thank you so much for explaination, that helps a lot! I will do as you say, and hopefully things will get better! I absolutely had no idea about private reviews, will take that into consideration for the following orders! Cheers, Ben
  11. Hi Everybody! I have been constantly using Fiverr since the beginning of the new year and as I was getting positive reviews and orders I could see my impressions organically growing. From the beginning of April, however they have dramatically dropped (see graph). Can anyone explain why this has happened? It is not just for this gig, but all the ones that I have active. I have tried searching for my gigs from my friend's laptop and I could not find them (although on my profile it says they are all active). Can anyone help? I have 5 stars for all my 90 reviews, 1h response rate, 99% completion and on time delivery. Not really sure what I am doing wrong. Oh ofc I spoke to Customer Service but they are pretty much useless 😄 EDIT: here is the gig: https://www.fiverr.com/ben_vitagliano/render-photorealistic-pictures-of-your-products Thanks in advance, Cheers Ben
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