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Everything posted by suraiya999

  1. It is not allowed. You can marketing your gig social network site. .
  2. I open the promotion option last one month ago but I can't get any click or order. I am a level one seller and I am working on logo design. what's the main problem with my promotion option? please check my attachment before give me advise.
  3. I am a level one seller. After getting level Fiverr suggested me promoted option and I used this opportunity but after off this option I can't get any order or any buyer SMS. often 6 months my gig has been down. So I am doing on promoted option. But I can't get any result. So I need advice from senior on which budget is best for my daily budget and CPC Thanks in advance
  4. Yes it's very effective to get first order.
  5. Get more order and complete this task with good review it's help to rank on your gig at first page
  6. Yes you can, but if you edit your gig title and description may be you lose your gig ranking.
  7. One month ago I got 10$ from Fiverr to promote my gig and I did it. but I didn't get any orders. How can I  get an order?

  8. The difference of two days Impressions 10k & Click 157. But there is no such order. What is the reason for the sudden increase?

  9. After getting level one, I can't get any more work. What should I do now? 

    1. sheikh_nafisa


      Send more buyer requests.

    2. suraiya999


      Thank you sis


  10. I am a new member of the Fiverr forum

    Can you suggest to me how can I get a badge of Fiverr forum?

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