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  1. Just an update: they restored my gig. They never told me the reason why; I'm guessing it was some system mistake. Thank you for your hopes! :)
  2. Thank you for your comment. If it can position me higher and give me better results, then sure enough I will edit it. However, I do understand where you're coming from. -- Fiverr support actually emailed me and restored my gig. I honestly thought they would come up with an invalid reason; seems like it was some system mistake.
  3. Thank you for your reply! -- I emailed them, so I am hoping they respond with a valid reason so that I can avoid this issue in the future. The only thing I could think of is the use of "college" in my gig title. However, other sellers are using "high school essay" or even bluntly saying "academic essay." Not to mention, they've been selling on the platform for years. The TOS is certainly confusing for this situation, but thanks for your feedback!
  4. Thanks for your reply! I'm not too sure if "essays" triggered the system being that I have been offering "essay" editing since June of this year. Also, I have many competitors who have that key word in their title. I was thinking it was "college" that triggered the system. But then again, other competitors are also using "college" and other academic words in their title (view the attached screenshot). It's very confusing, but as you said, I don't think I'm getting my gig back.
  5. Hello! I have been thinking about changing my gig title for better SEO ranking and overall gig quality for the past week, so I did just that. I awoke this morning with a full plan for changing my gig title, including a few sample PDFs. However, not even 5 seconds after clicking the "save" button to change the title, I received an email informing me that my gig had been flagged for "offering services that are not allowed in our marketplace." Then I received another notification that my gig had been removed. My most valuable and high-ranking gig was removed. The reason for the removal is completely invalid. A little background: I am a copy editor for essays and articles, and I discovered that changing my title would allow me to target a smaller/specific audience rather than a larger one, if that makes sense. I am posting on the Fiverr forum to see if anyone has had this happen before, and if you think it is possible to reactivate this gig. I have contacted Fiverr via email, so I'm waiting for their response! I have also attached the two notifications I received from Fiverr.
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