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Everything posted by faizan_tapash57

  1. Its been months and I was thinking to discuss this point as well as seeking information the topic I would like to share is Having Multiple Categories Gigs Effects Your Super Selling Gig? I have noticed when there are multiple gigs of different categories For example Gig for Logo design, a gig for sub-categories in logo and branding, a Gig for Website development, and many more the Conversion rate works as a whole. Therefore super-selling gig has a good conversion rate and other gigs did not perform very well and have a low conversion rate so in total, the conversion rate would be measured, and the overall progress of the account affects the super-selling gig. This results in low conversion and may lead to fewer sales,de-ranking of your super-selling gig this might not be 100% true but as for my experience I feel that this is true So What I would like to suggest is if you are getting orders on the super gig you should work on that gig and try to pause those other gigs that are just bringing clicks and impressions to you and not orders furthermore, any expert can share their experience and those who noticed the same thing I would like them to share their experiences. Thanks.
  2. Yes, You said very well, they can never steal your talent and skill Also, I would say those who steal descriptions or Gig images should be expelled from the platform and more over these types of people do it in a very dumb way they copy and paste details, use images without checking that the gig image contains the name of the artist This show how pathetic they are ....
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