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  1. Update* After a large number of messages to support and creating tickets, with a requests to explain the situation and explain how much longer it may take. They wrote me a more detailed answer with an approximate timeline and explaining that they have a large number of requests because of what they do not have time to sort out faster. I want to explain that I understand that this is a standard procedure in such situations, but in turn support should provide an explanation of the options for resolving such a situation and an approximate timeline about when it can be resolved. Because when your Top Seller account which has been on the platform for almost 5 years and has more than 5000+ positive reviews on platform is just blocked and support responds once in 15 hours, it obviously leads to panic and misunderstanding. I hope it's resolved soon and I'm still waiting to hear back from them. Thanks to all who have shared their experiences in similar situations! I'll keep you informed on the resolution of the situation.
  2. Hello to everyone! My account has been targeted by hacking attempts on two separate occasions (i.e. the hackers failed and just tried to gain access using my e-mail address to try to recover the password, but they didn't have access to my e- mails). I received emails requesting password resets, which prompted me to contact Fiverr support team immediately. In my initial email, I explained that I had already changed both my password and email address as precautionary measures. I also asked if they could help me find out who it was and help me further secure my account. However, instead of receiving the assistance I sought, my account was immediately restricted. This has led to an extremely frustrating and stressful situation, as I now have over 200+ active orders and numerous ongoing projects with clients in my Inbox. Due to the account restriction, I am unable to communicate with my clients in Inbox, which is causing significant distress for both myself and them. I provided my ID which was approved, my phone, my payment info, my old and new email addresses , answered the security question and ran all the antiviruses possible (provided support with the screenshots). The day after my account was restricted, a support representative responded to my ticket after 15 hours, asking me to repeat the same verification steps I had already completed. They mentioned awaiting a response from another team, and since then, I have not received any further updates. Additionally, I was not provided with any timeline for resolution, which is critical in this situation. As a result, some of my projects have been canceled, my account level started to drop from Level 2 to 1st Level, , and I have lost a substantial amount of income. My clients are now reaching out to me via Instagram, asking why I am unresponsive on Fiverr. I've been working hard on my ratings for almost 5 years and the feedback from my clients is proof of that. Maybe someone has had experience in solving such situations and can provide some information?🙏🙏 Also, please @Fiverr Support, @Kesha , @Lena please help me resolve this issue as soon as possible. Best regards, Valeria
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