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Everything posted by jennysarkar1

  1. Recently, I've faced a problem. one of my gig was promoted. but suddenly it show unqualified , my problem is not only that gig but also other gigs were downgraded. All gigs were sent in last page. my question if one gig is unqualified then that gig can downgrade  why other gig are downgrading ?

    Another gig can perform better. 

    As a freelancer anyone can better on other gigs. Please Solve this problem if possible.


    Jenny Sarkar

    1. grafixer1000


      Don't worry fiverr team review the promoted gigs and will make it qualify again! and for the downgraded gigs you can contact customer support and ask them that your gigs are downgraded due to this reason then they will reset your gigs and your gigs would be on the first 5 pages again!

    2. jennysarkar1


      Thanks for your  information

    3. onlinetrishnaro


      Thanks for your  information

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