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Posts posted by izah_moh

  1. On 1/23/2023 at 10:35 AM, ndakena said:

    There's no interest in the sense that the 20% they collect when you earn is not applied to the cash advance

    It is.

    On 1/23/2023 at 10:35 AM, ndakena said:

    That person who will collect the money and run can't be eligible!!!  If you analyse, you will notice that the amount they give you is not enough for you to give up your account/profile for it.

    I've seen people do stuff like that irl for less. Never underestimate the length a lazy person will go to for "free" money.

    But I understand the point you are trying to make. They seem to screen the people they offer this feature to.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, izah_moh said:

    I've never had anything show up on my earnings page like that before

    Clarification: I've never had anything show up as a BLANK like that for me before.

    Everything is classified under its own category, and can be traced back with an order number. This had neither of those thing.

    • Like 5
  3. Valuable feedback?

    Read the rules.

    Follow the rules and understand them.

    Invest in your business by taking Fiverr Tests, taking reputable courses, and making sure you have the best gig description and images in your niche.

    Don't copy or steal from other sellers.

    Make sure the services you offer are unique, authentic, and you can most importantly actually DO the thing you say you can.

    And you will be a prominent Fiverr seller in no time.

    Good luck friend👍🏽💝

    • Like 5
  4. On 1/12/2023 at 10:56 AM, donnovan86 said:

    Pretty sure that's how tips are shown.

    Tips aren't shown to me that way. Like I showed in the screenshot, it's listed as it's own thing. I've never had anything show up on my earnings page like that before.

    On 1/12/2023 at 4:38 PM, melanielm said:

    I just wanted to point out that Milestone orders after the first one are also shown without anything in the order column on the earnings page.

    I've never done milestone orders before, so that couldn't be it. (But thank you for the heads up!)

    But regardless of that the person I talked to from CS informed me it WAS a glitch from a new buyer not understanding the system. (They accidentally bought a gig extra and tried to change it to a tip while accepting AND revising the order. I'm still not sure how they got so confused 😅)

    12 hours ago, shabanajabeen said:

    Can you imagine izah_moh Fiverr will distribute free money among the sellers? This is your own earned.

    I know. I was being hyperbolic and my usual dramatic self 🥰

    • Like 4
  5. 100% a hacker, don't even bother.

    A lot of these type of file formats are sent to YouTubers with fake sponsorship opportunities and that is how they highjack your computer and take all your info and accounts.

    It's a good thing you blocked, but you should've reported before deleting to save someone else from accidentally falling for this malicious trick.

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  6. 2 hours ago, mahadi_vai said:

    I am new seller my Buyer requests not work what can i do this time.

    Buyer Requests are no longer available and has been removed from the site and replaced with Buyer Briefs.

    If you click on the Buyer Request button and actually read what is there, exactly what I said will be explained to you.

    • Like 6
  7. 15 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    eg. the $60 and $10 are before Fiverr have taken their 20% off (which then becomes $48 and $8 after the 20% is taken off).

    Basically how they operate with tips. It just makes no sense that they wouldn't attach an order number and name to it, and then go as far as to separately classify it as "Payment will clear" instead of "Order/Tip will clear" like it's previously done for order extras or tips. Just creates unnecessary confusion. But I'll just chalk it up to being a bug and call it a day. Thanks again! 💝💖

    • Like 10
  8. In the end, moral of the story, I should've had faith in Fiverr and realize they would never make a mistake in their financing where I'D be the one getting more money than I actually made. (Can't say the same for/speak on behalf of those who say Fiverr has been taking money from them)

    So next time this happens, I can just rest easy that everything will work itself out (or probably already has).

    The End 📖💖

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  9. @uk1000 

    I just went into the order and realized the final total and what I made aren't correct!

    MYSTERY SOLVED! Thank God!!!

    (It shows as $56 in the order but $48 and a separate $8 in the overview. I don't know how I missed that! It's never done that for me before)



    36 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    I thought Fiverr normally puts tips as a different item in the earnings page (which can make things more complex without the order number). So if the tip (or order extra) is for that amount ($8) then that will be it.

    They do, but they also write it as "Tip" in the description. And whenever a client purchases a gig extra or add-on, it's added as one general amount under the main order. I've never seen anything separated as it's own thing without an order number or client name attached.

    But thanks so much for helping me! ❤️

    Now I feel bad for wasting Customer Support's time. I should probably just go withdraw my ticket seeing as they're already backed up as it is.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, theratypist said:

    Did you try adding all the pending amount and does it equal to the amount shown on payments being cleared? 

    Well it says "payment" instead of "order" so there is some messed up code somewhere that needs to be cleaned. Haha!

    I've done the math multiple times and everything seems to add up. I had some tips disappear a while ago but then seem to reappear during the first week of January.

    I cannot seem to trace this back to any order as it has no order number or any identifying feature attached to it.

    5 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    Since there's 2 items that have the "1/15/23" date and one of those is the payment you're asking about, you could try looking at the order details (order page) of the other item with the "1/15/23" date and checking if there were any other payments shown there (eg. if there were any tips on the order page for it for about that much or extras).

    I though so too, but the client for that order accidentally made an extra purchase on the order (they're new to the site) and tried to reverse it but couldn't, and decided to leave it as a tip. But maybe you're right!

    The final amount should be reflected as one payment, so maybe Fiverr is being buggy and showing it as two separate payments instead?

    • Like 9
  11. 1 minute ago, mae_creativity said:

    Is it because I wrote in English?

    Considering English is my first and main language, no I don't think that's it.


    2 minutes ago, mae_creativity said:

    Or because it's too weird to make sense on a Friday night (when most people have a beer in one hand, and another beer in the other)?

    Nah, that's not it either. Never taken a sip on alcohol for religious and personal reasons (why would I pay to be incoherent and blackout?)

    Maybe it's because you were too vague and didn't really help answer my points?

    4 minutes ago, mae_creativity said:

    I'm happy to explain here through drawings.

    That's very nice of you, I'd love that! It'll certainly help me understand more than whatever fantasy quest riddle you were saying before.

    • Like 8
  12. 6 minutes ago, mae_creativity said:

    You moved to a new apartment without a chimney, so this is how Santa delivered your presents.

    I wish I understood one word of what you said, but this was funny so I'll take it as the final answer.

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  13. Me and CS are trying to get to the bottom of this, but this is the second or 3rd time since Christmas money has just appeared in my balance. But now I have it reflected in my earnings overview that I'm able to screenshot and show as proof (before all I had as indication something was wrong was seeing my available balance do the macarena up and down).

    Has this happened to anyone else before or am I the chosen one?

    (Also this isn't related to anything else because they've already taken out their Promoted Gig fees, and I'm not subscribed to Seller Plus or Cash Advance or anything else.)

    Screenshot 2023-01-06 184706.png

    • Like 8
  14. Definitely on the right track. Numbers going up is always a good thing and means your gig(s) is being shown more on search page and you've optimized it enough to start ranking.

    Leave things alone as they are and see how much more impressions you can gain and if they can hopefully lead to an order.

    Good luck! We believe in you!! 

    • Like 15
  15. 2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    Bad idea. People watch YouTube videos, follow the advice they see there, and get banned.

    Oof! Should've worded myself better there.

    They should follow CREDIBLE sources.

    Avoid videos with clickbait titles and get-rich-quick tones.

    There are tone of good faith, Fiverr affiliated channels with helpful advice and endless wealth of wisdom.

    But with that being said, don't just blindly trust everything you hear. Also cross-check all the facts you are given with Fiverr's TOS and do your due diligence and your own research as well.

    I think that covers all the bases. Surely no one can exploit and find loopholes to that...right? /s

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  16. I'd suggest watching YouTube videos to figure this out and extensively read through the forum as this very question, I'm sure, has been answered a thousand times over.

    Price accordingly, follow the rules, and be nice and professional (or not, if that's the angle you're going for). Staying online for as much as possible also helps.

    Good luck with your gigs and business! ❤️

    • Like 7
  17. 7 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Advanced pay is a 7 days and  Instant Withdrawal is something that the seller is charged for. They are two different benefits.

    Oh, whoops! I just made this thread very confusing 😅

    Well, they both seem like great features. I already had to wait for one month on YouTube and Patreon and such, but I don't know why I get so impatient with Fiverr. The two weeks seems like absolute torture when in reality it's the shortest and quickest waiting timeframe of all my revenue streams.

    And 1% seems so inconsequential in the grand scheme. But I guess it DOES add up over time.

    Thank you for all your responses! This has been a very enlightening and eye opening discussion! 💖💫

    • Like 6
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  18. 9 hours ago, ammar_kassas said:

    and I clearly chose the option to fill in the net price not inclusive to Fiverr margin and taxes, which means Fiverr should add their margin to the total price plus taxes and show it to the client and not take it from me after the sale was closed and delivered by me. This way of bluffing people especially new talents to the platforms is not acceptable, they should have added their margin not take it away from my net price.

    "Chose the option to filling the net price" I've never seen this option a day in my life. Can you please provide screenshots of what you mean?

    Also, you'll be shocked to find out, Fiverr takes 20% from sellers AND buyers. And they've made that very clear for whichever side of the aisle you land.

    That poor client ended up paying $1,491 and you got only $993 from it. Giving Fiverr a nice $498 to take home. (If my math is correct and your numbers are accurate. I just woke up, go easy on me if I'm wrong somewhere)

    But hey, don't complain! We signed up for this! (Both buyers and sellers)

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  19. 29 minutes ago, shopifysol said:

    Keeping the things short, my favorite feature is instant withdrawal 😃

    Yup! That is the feature I've been referring to as Advance Pay.

    Not everyone has it and I'll continue kicking and screaming like a bratty child till I get it.

    I'm so happy and jealous of you that you have it! 💖💫

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  20. 56 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    We did not get the advanced pay feature when I joined the Seller Plus program. I received that when I became a TRS.

    Huh, I thought the perk of TRS was the get to withdraw after *one* week instead of two. Or was it 2-3 days? (I'll check later)

    Do they still require you to give 1% of the total earnings or is it just straight withdrawal? I guess that will help us figure out if you got a TRS perk or Advance Pay perk.

    58 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    I did not think I would enjoy it as much as I do.

    Rub it in why don'tcha ;-; 😭 (jk)


    59 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

    My favorite part of having Seller Plus is having a Seller Plus Manager to have my back. Their advice and help are invaluable!

    I guess that's a very good perk, but I was informed in my email that only select few sellers who join the program would be assigned a Manager.

    And I took that as code for "You're from a high risk area so we won't risk giving it to you and wasting our resources instead of giving it to someone we deem better".

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