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Posts posted by audioboon

  1. The only problem is that I did that together with a huge update of my gigs, so I have received only two orders ever since 😦

    Hi, you’re in the top row for your keywords:

    I’m not sure why you aren’t getting orders, unless most people aren’t searching for those keywords. (compose music for animated video)

    Wow, 😲 thank you, which keywords did you use? Still, I was doing really well before the update and now, my gigs are even better than before, but nothing. I am going to to be promoted to level 2 tomorrow, normally, so I hope things will be better after.

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  2. Oh commercial rights, by far my favorite subject. I also did exactly the same, for music. I had my commercial Use License offered as extra, but now I’ve included it in my base price, whic I have increased, by ticking the field for commercial rights. I was also spending a lot of time arguing, explaining, because even those who need one, they usually don’t understand it well. Fiverr’s definition or lack of definition of the license played a big role in that.

    The only problem is that I did that together with a huge update of my gigs, so I have received only two orders ever since 😦 It was at the same time when all the problems arised with the algorythm update. I hope that will be fixed soon.

    @gwyneth_galvin I see that you have broadcast rights as an extra. Can you tell me if people buy this extra from you and if they understand it? Or only few do it?

    Btw I found it a bit strange to be able to define broadcast rights for voice over but not for music (I can define it on my own, so its not a big issue).

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  3. On 6/6/2020 at 12:18 AM, english_voice said:
    1. a response where you are publicly blaming the bad buyer and pointing the finger at them and coming across as a bit annoyed and maybe even a bit feisty.


    1. a response where you simply say “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. Should you have another design requirement in future then let’s chat as it would be good to make you happy”.

    That (2) is a bit too neutral of a response if and only if the buyer has the majority of the fault.

    I totally agree about this:


    For what it’s worth I would advise against posting the phrase “if you had given me more information in the beginning” because that will come back to bite you on the backside. It’s your job as the seller to ensure you have sufficient information to begin with.

    But any situation can be turned to support your side of the story, phrased into a positive, polite one, but still, stating where the buyer went wrong.

    I would say “I am sorry that it didn’t work out for you. I have sent you several revisions after your remarks and the additional work you’ve requested, and I tried hard to do the best I can to meet your expectations. I wish you well in your future projects.”

    Then, blocking him and at the end, you can be more harsh on the review you post on his profile, if you need to be more harsh 🙂 

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