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Posts posted by markadamsdesign

  1. As stated in the title, I conversed with the buyer beforehand, asked them to place all their requirements in the order requirements. Everything was spot-on and within my abilities. Within a day, though, the buyer kept adding new ideas and suggestions while changing old ones every few days to the point that they were still asking for changes in the final quarter. Finally, they started trying to add things that I don't provide, so I am in the process of canceling the order.

    Is there any way to prevent it from affecting my stats? I feel like I did everything I was supposed to do to be sure the buyer was inside the scope of what I offer, but the buyer still decided to change their requirements and go beyond what I offer after the order was placed.

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  2. Quote

    -Buyers accepting their delivery relatively quickly
    -Not getting lots of revision requests

    My performance should never be based on buyer behavior. I had a buyer who didn't respond for weeks and after I finally sent him the final order, he replied to me, but let the three days run out. 


    -Delivering fast
    -Delivering before the “you have 12 hours to deliver” notification

    This is silly. This encourages regurgitated work rather than custom, tailor-made products. Why would I tell a buyer it will take 21 days when I really only have 20? I'm encouraged to add extra days just to make it seem like I delivered early.

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    • Thanks 1
  3. Just a rant to vent about being reminded to view order requirements when I already did. Apparently checking on mobile doesn't count; only on PC. Even still, though. I already get a notification that the buyer submitted requirements; I don't need another. I also have a long message history both before and after the order was placed. I'm pretty sure I know what the requirements are, thanks. Like, this is probably a great feature for newbies, but maybe lay off if the seller has no warnings over the last 90 days or whatever?

    My requirements are mostly there just to formalize what was gone over in chat anyway, so I don't have to scroll back through dozens of messages when I'm in the middle of their order and need to check something. ...and also for those buyers who impulse buy instead of contacting first.

    </rant> 🙃

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