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Everything posted by shohagsheqder

  1. Welcome to Fiverr community, Don't be afraid I am here level 2 seller near to top rated but I am facing same problem. Hopefully it will overcome soon.
  2. Is it Ai or illustrator ? Welcome.
  3. Is it possible man ? Anyway welcome to the community .
  4. Welcome to the Fiverr community forum world.Best of luck 🙂
  5. Welcome to the Fiverr forum world.Best of luck.
  6. Welcome to you.Best of luck.
  7. In most case slip of fingers turn into 4.7 😂 It happens to maybe 2 times or 3 ✅
  8. Welcome to my fiverr forum world.Best of luck.
  9. Welcome to my fiverr community world.You do more marketing and present your work on social media.Best of luck.🙂
  10. Welcome to my fiverr community world.best of luck.🙂
  11. Welcome to the community. Keep up the best work , and optimize gig image, title, description hope it will work but need patience and learn everyday, 🙂
  12. @dreamdesigner60 Welcome to the community. Keep up the best work 🙂 Do share your gig to social media and build a strong portfolio. Optimize your Gig image, title , Keep Patience Order will come on its way 😇
  13. @lynabodiesWelcome to the community. Keep up the best work 🙂
  14. Hello i am a level 2 seller and working in Fiverr since 2019. Already completed 317 orders but last 9 months there are few orders. It seems I am new to Fiverr. I think I am missing some points. If anybody help me to grow my gigs again that would be awesome. Thanks in Advance.
  15. I started journey to Fiverr in 2019. Joining after 1 weak i got rising talent and boom in one month I got level one and in order to very next month I have my level 2 badge. cause I worked hard, and everything was going well. Then covid came and i got effected some ongoing project I couldn't finished while I was admitted to hospital for a month in oxygen support. Then I came back home. Before covid my order ratio was very good then it falls down consistently. I did everything marketing, gig edit, image edit, everything. In between I have orders like 1 or 2 order in month even from one previous client. I have got several time sellers plus but not worked. In the meantime, I took loan from Fiverr cash advance two times 400 usd and 500 usd first one I fulfil within 2 months but the second one still going on in the last 6 months. I thought Fiverr forum is a place if I active on this maybe it will benefit, and I hear about post can interacted with sellers or buyers. As I am thinking with the help of chat gpt I write 2 automated post and one of moderator give me 2 warning and from then i am automated zero. No idea actually what happened to me. If you read these thanks for your time, Hope you are doing well, and I pray you will be. Peace.
  16. You can open your fiverr app ,it will be helpful.
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