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Everything posted by inzent

  1. Hi everyone, I think fiverr team listened to us. And now they are managing buyer requests as brief.
  2. Agreed, but I remember in earlier days when we try to type emali, facebook, kind of words fiverr system automatically reject those words.
  3. Hi Everyone, After long time, hope you all doing well.😃 I would like to talk about buyer requests, I thinks its important to talk. I have notice, these days many peoples use this feature to get social media (YouTube, tiktok etc) views. 😑 for an example, What do you think about these kind of offers, are they real? aren't you feel like spam requests? as per my understanding experience sellers never send buyer requests, but new sellers definitely send. but these are not real request, I think Fiverr team needs to check on this, they can talk to buyers and find a options to avoid spam offers. maybe they want these spam offers to be in there. So I just want to know your thoughts on this, any suggestions that will help.😇 Thank you,
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