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Posts posted by mariashtelle1

  1. 58 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    I enjoyed that comment

    And here we again, spiralling back to copy pasted messages as it used to be 2 years ago. “I think your thoughts are not valid, would you like to edit it to sound more like a rosy BS we are promoting? By the way please write to me your comments so I can toss it to the bin and never implement” 

    how often do we need to share our “constructive feedback”? We do it all the time and every couple of months stuff charges and we start the cycle all over again. But now with a limit of 10 posts so we wouldn’t complain too much 😁

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  2. 1 hour ago, priyank_mod said:

    Wish there was a way to pin this bit somewhere, where it kinda screams & reminds everyone every day about the 🦣

    Pin this post? 😁 it will be sooner deleted rather than pinned. I see some topics are disappearing and being deleted, so it’s just a matter of time for this one to disappear too. 

    Maybe “the firm” needs a reminder to what happened to the last person that was running things in the same manner here expecting only love, unicorns and praise fiverr posts. 

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  3. It seems that fiverr goes through cycles and sadly good times when it really felt that they were making an effort have finished. Now we are back to a dictator regime where forum users are not supposed to have their opinions and can only praise fiverr (or post “how to get orders”) otherwise they will be banned. They don’t even appreciate efforts of volunteer people that are helping them for free, and not even a thank you from fiverr. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, carineb said:

    asked CS today and they said:

    I checked your orders and those orders do not affect your Order Completion Rate.

    And as per my first message: FIVERR LIED TO YOU. CS is trained to send copy pasted messages and the reality is all cancelled orders are affecting you. Even if Fiverr says it doesn’t. They admitted that there is a mistake in coding that cancellations are taken into account but CS is only trained to repeat the very same thing as always that it doesn’t affect you. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, carineb said:

    The two most recent cancellations do not count in my statistics. There's no doubt since it's Fiverr who wrote it!

    Guess what? Fiverr lied to you. All cancellations are affecting your success score at the moment. And most likely the one that affect your score is cancellation from 2024. 
    they admitted on the forum that it’s a mistake and they promised to fix it before the system officially will be rolled out. But like everything with Fiverr of course it wasn’t fixed in time. 

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  6. On 4/17/2024 at 12:18 PM, Yoav.M said:

    think you should try to spend a bit more time on hearing new ideas or suggestions, instead of mostly writing negative or critical posts, without giving us a proper opportunity to explain ourselves in advance.

    @Yoav.M let’s be honest, Fiverr webinars, panels and whatever never go into details, it’s all very high level and all promises of “just join and see what we have to say” end up nowhere because it’s only the same high level stuff repeated all over again. 
    AI can be powerful but again people who can read even a little bit know that all this hype is created to sustain the bubble of AI empowerment to get more investments, suddenly 36% more companies announced on the stock market that they are now AI driven companies compared to the last year and all you have to do is to shout loud enough “AI” and add AI powered chat bot to your website. 
    But I totally think @emmaki is allowed to express her opinion of the state of things. 

    oh and just to add: if you spend long enough working for fiverr I’ll be looking forward to see how things will shift in the future

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  7. Unfortunately you both broke fiverr rules so both your accounts might be banned. 

    How long ago did you complete the order? If it’s was less than 14 days ago you might get your money back. However you communicated outside of Fiverr and that’s the worst offence on Fiverr. 
    try to open a ticket with support and explain them you paid for the service that you never received and attach screenshots of empty delivery ON FIVERR, not chats on the wtsapp

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Finding the sweet spot between creative freedom and meeting client expectations is a balancing act that isn’t always easy.

    Balancing with client expectations are easy. Balancing with fiverr expectations are not. 
    I was ready to work long hours, at night and putting my life on the line. But when you have kids you start seeing different perspective. 
    What most clients want is effective communication, quality work and my work to solve their pain points. Of course there are tough clients here and there but most of the clients come to find a solution to their “problem” that will save them time and potentially make money. If the seller can hit those points it’s not tough at all to balance creative freedom and clients expectations. 
    What fiverr is asking from us is a totally different thing. But fine, I’m tired of repeating myself, Fiverr will not change, they’d rather keep sellers that deliver in 20 min AI work and get a glowing review from the client that doesn’t suspect that they just got screw*d rather than understanding that good work takes time and delivery times can not be compromised by rushing its sellers. 

    • Like 6
  9. 1 minute ago, quarkie_tech said:

    Should I approve it now and believe him that he would go on to make the final product?

    No. He should send those files while the order is still open. Don’t mark it complete until he sends all files that are included in your order. 

    Tell him that as per fiverr TOS deliveries should include all files that are included in your package and only after you can approve the order. And that partial deliveries are faints fiverr TOS 

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  10. Fiverr doesn’t celebrate holidays. Fiverr doesn’t have weekends, they don’t have holidays or official days off. 

    If you see drop in impressions it means that clients are resting on a weekend and less people are visiting fiverr. 

    • Like 8
  11. 19 minutes ago, Kesha said:

    I assure you that our team is still listening regarding the new release.

    They then should know that they “broke the contact”. Releasing new system is ok, it will actually work well long term. What is not ok is adding changes retroactively when we accepted very different terms. 
    Would fiverr be ok if we suddenly start telling our buyers after they bought our gig that they will get less than what described in our gig? And by the way we will also deliver random things, the same as fiverr suddenly started adding random numbers to our reviews. 

    if they want to roll out the new system it should start clean for everyone: new and old sellers not retroactively breaking “the contract” from their side. 

    • Like 14
  12. After all recent news, changes on fiverr, fiverr forum and recent decrease in score to random numbers the next update I expect from fiverr is:

    ”We checked and it seems that buyers prefer to buy 5$ gigs so we decreased your gig price from 20$ to 5$ to ease the pressure on sellers. 




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  13. I love how one fiverr seller created a better thought design taking into account  psychological and behavioural aspects with a clean design that a few departments on Fiverr couldn’t do. 

    I hope Fiverr will notice this thread and take notes for a change. 
    I really like thumbs up and down under the scores (and “exceptional rating tag on reviews”) especially for Fiverr, it still keeps it “gamified” as Fiverr likes but also keeps it more clear. 
    (however then we are loosing ability to pick what went well in the good and average scores) 

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