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Everything posted by mauro_523

  1. First of all, try to breath more and understand that nothing bad will happen if you have the means to prove it. That will make everything much easier for you and your patience. I know (because they have done it for me as well) that whenever you receive a fishy order or receive an order requesting something that you don't offer, they just cancel it and make it so it doesn't affect your statistics. Some times they are nice enough to even compensate for it a little bit and put you in a nice winning scenario. I would be much more worried about not portraying myself as a composed profesional rather than publicly trash talking the very platform that makes everything posible.
  2. Buyer: Hello see your profile and i want work with you. I want you do this, this and that. Me: Hello, of course, That would be xxamount and I can have it ready in about xxperiod of time Buyer: Ok acceptable. Give me email or telegram to send you Me: No, sorry, all communication have to be here on Fiverr's platform. Feel free to share the complete file trough this chat Buyer: I send you here but I want to pay outside because comision too much Me: Ohh, I understand. Don't worry, I'm willing to lower the price a little bit so you don't take a huge hit on commissions, how does that sound for you? Buyer: No because I payment after I receive work done. Me: Sorry, that's not how it works -proceeds to explain how fiverr's payment system works- Buyer: UNACEPTABUL! I want pay after Buyer: You know here is thousands of people. I can find someone else to do for me. Me: That's ok, please feel free to do so. I hope you find someone suitable for your needs. I reported him for seeking communication and offering payment outside Fiverr. Soon after I found his account had been disabled.
  3. Thank you very much for sharing your tools. It is really important to raise awareness on how to counteract these issues. What I usually do when I receive links here on fiverr, is to copy them and open them in a virtual machine, just to check what the link contains without the risk of damaging my own system... But as you say, the best way to detect these is to use our own criteria.
  4. I think I haven't compromised my system by clicking anything suspicious so far so I don't have any bad experiences to share... but I have been receiving more and more of these requests with suspicious links (Again, I don't know what the links do or where they take you because I don't clic them). An usual request with a suspicious link looks like this: (I have sensored names and sensible information as well as the link so no one goes and use it) Another great example is this one: I don't know how they manage to hide the actual link but my browser showed a different link when I tried to click it. A good idea is to always hover your mouse over the link so your browser tells you exactly where that link is taking you. Some other times they send you files named like something you would recognize (like a .zip or .pdf) but it's something else. Luckily, Fiverr does detect and block these: Also, these images show the beginning of the pattern I have been using to detect these people. They use always the same wording ("i give you sample sir" gibberish) and most of the time a very broken english. I have seen them swarming the buyers request section with exactly the same message: - - - - - - - - - All these pictures were taken from the buyer's requests section with very few days (or hours) appart. I don't know why someone is so eager to make you click a link and quite frankly it scares me to even think about it. Sadly, I think we are being targeted and this only shows the beginning as most likely they will start changing their methods to something more effective. But of course! Don't hesitate to report and block anyone with a suspicious attitude.
  5. Actually I was about to write a post about my experience here. Fiverr is not as safe as this comment claims: Sadly, it is completely the opposite. While Fiverr scans every file sent through the platform, it has no way of scanning links or compressed files. Some so called "buyers" will message you and send you a link. Once you open the link you are done, your system has been potentially compromised to whatever illed intencion they have. Be careful out there. I have been receiving this kind of messages with suspicious links quite frequently these past 2 months.
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