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  1. max3dmodel's post in "Add a sample to Gig's gallery" on Deliver Work page was marked as the answer   
    Your client has to rate the order with the portfolio sample ON.
    Otherwise, it won't show in your gig samples.
  2. max3dmodel's post in Pending clearance was marked as the answer   
    Sometimes it takes 16 days. So, patience. Don't worry, Fiverr isn't gonna steal your hard-earned money.
  3. max3dmodel's post in How to get lots of order was marked as the answer   
    By making a quality gig that the relevant buyers would buy? 
    here is a great article if you are looking for tips 
  4. max3dmodel's post in Not getting any order!! (New Seller) was marked as the answer   
    No one is guaranteed to receive orders right after you publish the gig. Also, there are more than 88000 sellers in your category You are competing with them. So you get the idea. Fiverr is a marketplace and already allowed you to open your store. Now it's your time to sell. Do the research. See how other sellers are selling in your category. Analyze gig performance. Like if you are getting a good amount of clicks but no orders, then it means you already have an attractive gig image and title but something (description, about, packages) is preventing buyers from ordering from you. Also, keep this in mind. when you edit your gig it will take a few days to show the result. So at least keep a 4day gap between edits.
  5. max3dmodel's post in What way to take "Seller Plus " ? was marked as the answer   
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