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Everything posted by letsdo1

  1. A few questions When does this actually kick in? What bit does the 2 year thing actually affect - the public rating 5*, the level system, the success score? I take it this will be a rolling 2 year thing so will start from May 2022 to 24 and then from June 22 to 24 etc?
  2. At the end of the day, why don't they just keep it simple. 1-5 * and a comment. You can search by the star rating and read the comments to get a vibe. Simple. As a seller: I just want a simple rating feedback mechanism if I choose to do so. I don't want to answer lots of questions (twice) and mark emoji buttons. As they say an unhappy client is more likely to go to the lengths to rate you bad, than a good one good. This just aids any disgruntled client (for whatever reason). As a buyer: I just want to know that I provide the service I advertise - if you don't like it fine mark me a 3*, if you do then great mark me 5* If I was getting 3 out of 5 stars, I could look at the comments and then think "hmmm I need to up my game on these repeated points". If I get 5 stars I think "I must be doing well". But with all these secret squirrel internal scores, random algorithms, and stretched metrics - it just adds confusion and just makes the whole process incredibly difficult. Then add to the Fiverr don't share their workings out on things. Just makes the whole thing miserable.
  3. Thanks - its a different gig with different questions. And they haven't beeen filled in fully either
  4. Thanks - I've done that before but I just didn't want to have to raise a ticket to have to do it.
  5. Hi A buyer has placed an order with me, but they have selected the wrong gig and not included the majority of the information. I've contacted them as but it's been radio silence for 2 days. I want to cancel the order but not affect any of my stats. Is there any option I should choose to make sure this doesn't happen. Thanks
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