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Everything posted by luisfernava

  1. --- Since canceling an order affects the seller's Gig Listings (discoverability of a gig) I don't think sellers should request a cancelation. I think the type of service might also determine with viability of that option. In my opinion, showing dissatisfaction isn't a bad signal yet. However, if the buyer starts behaving disrespectfully and develops bad manners, then that's a huge red flag. I'm a video editor, I see two different behaviors in clients depending on the service they choose. For example: Podcast Video Editing: This is a service that creates long-term relationships with clients. Create an Intro Video: This is a one-time service. When I deliver the intro I don't see the client anymore. This is why when the client wants me to be his "Podcast Editor" they tend to be more friendly because they want a long-term editor to work on each of their episodes. However, when I get clients that just want me to create a intro they just want the job done and say goodbye, this is why some services are better for creating a client portfolio than others. There's also the option of suggesting buyers to send a message before ordering, that way you can chat with them and know if they have a good attitude before going for the order. After I had the bad experience with the "canceled order review" I changed how my gig works (the one for creating an intro video), new clients no longer can order this service without contacting me first. Note: this is an option only available for Seller Plus members. I recommend enabling this option only to those gigs that tend to attract one-time buyers, at least until the situation with the Canceled-Order Reviews is fixed. Stay strong ✊
  2. Is it just me or do anyone else thinks this forum has some weird users that spent too much time replaying to our posts just to say we are wrong and that Fiverr is perfect as it is? Sometimes I think those people are being paid to say nice things about the platform, like it's soo obvious. A few days ago I mentioned my negative experience in the Suggestions section, and a user just replied to my post with such a biased opinion about the platform. There's no way real sellers can have the time these people spent on this forum writing articles-sized comments praising a platform that is clearly broken while also mocking the bad experience of others.
  3. Fiverr’s Update on Cancelled Order Reviews: An Attack on Honest Sellers! Experience has taught me something about people who leave their opinions on this platform, there are either supporters or haters, you might also see them in the comments section of any YouTube video. One of the many differences between these two kinds of people is that a supporter often has no time for leaving a comment or a review, but a hater is just trying to make the life of everyone else miserable and spends his time making sure everyone hears what he has to say. Fiverr has just opened a door for all this hatred to flow over this community of sellers. Has anyone on Fiverr wondered why a seller like me has only 800+ reviews when my account has over 1.3K successful orders? The answer is that all my "supporters" don't always leave a review. "Haters" on the other side, will ALWAYS leave a review. 7 years of my life dedicated to this platform, It hasn't been easy getting all those 5-star reviews. And now it's getting even more complicated with this new system that allows a "bad-tempered buyer having a bad day" to be able to vent out his frustration over a seller who was trying to do his best, leaving a stain that not only affects our business but makes us question everything we do here. This is so bad.
  4. Sadly this happened to me a few days ago, in my case it was scenario #1: I didn't fight back and offered a refund hoping to minimize the client's "dissatisfaction". But it was not about the money or the quality of my work, the client just wanted to put a stain on my reputation. Experience has taught me something about people who leave their opinions on this platform, there are either supporters or haters, you might also see them in the comments section of any YouTube video. One of the many differences between these two kinds of people is that a supporter often has no time for leaving a comment or a review, but a hater is just trying to make the life of everyone else miserable and spends his time making sure everyone hears what he has to say. Fiverr has just opened a door for all this hatred to flow over this community of sellers. Has anyone on Fiverr wondered why a seller like me has only 800+ reviews when my account has over 1.3K successful orders? The answer is that all my "supporters" don't always leave a review. "Haters" on the other hand, will ALWAYS leave a review. I've been working on Fiverr for more than 7 years and I've never had a bad review because I put the experience and satisfaction of my clients over my own commodity. If a client is not satisfied with my work I always provide a solution, even if the solution is canceling an order of hundreds of dollars so my client can have his money back. I actually have done that a few times in my career, I never complained about the time I spent on those projects or the nights I stayed up so I could deliver on time. I put my time and efforts aside so my clients can have their money back. 7 years of my life dedicated to this platform, It hasn't been easy getting all those 5-star reviews. And now it's getting even more complicated with this new system that allows a "bad-tempered buyer having a bad day" to be able to vent out his frustration over a seller who was trying to do his best, leaving a stain that not only affects our business but makes us question everything we do here. Perhaps Fiverr REALLY doesn't want us to cancel orders at all, looks like those micro-transactions mean a lot of money to the company, maybe they mean more than the integrity of the community. This is so sad.
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