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Everything posted by turtlerollsadub

  1. Sounds like it is encouraging dishonest public reviews, which could be quite damaging to the platform's credibility.
  2. If a seller receives a negative private feedback, will it be reflected in your positive rating or anything like that? Or is it only noticeable by decreased traffic and visibility?
  3. Question for sellers offering gigs that require voice or video calls. ToS says we're not allowed to communicate outside of Fiverr. However, it is impossible to execute some gigs without doing this. I am aware that Fiverr makes a video call feature available for gigs in certain sub-categories. But what if your gig doesn't fall within one of them? What are sellers doing to get around this? I want to create a gig that will require a voice or video call to perform, but I'm worried about violating ToS. I don't want to get in trouble.
  4. I had another question for you, if you don't mind? I was wondering if adding new gigs has the same impact on your visibility/ranking due to the algorithm's reassignment of your value?
  5. This is soooooo helpful! Thank you so much!!
  6. Hi fellow Fiverr sellers! I've got a question. It's clear that any time you make changes to a gig and/or your profile, you get kicked out of the algorithms until it can re-assign your value. My question is, does it lessen this blow to your visibility if you do a bunch of changes all at once? Or is it better to space out the changes slowly over time? Does anyone have any insight or suggestions on how to mitigate the damage done your visibility and ranking when making these kinds of changes? Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes to this thread! 🙂
  7. America signed my cast lol. They're one of my dad's favorite bands. So, many, many years ago, I took him to see them. Front row seats. We got to hang with them after and I had a broken arm at the time. They asked if they could sign my cast 🤣
  8. Thank you very much for your input. I'd be extremely shocked if I was getting negative secret reviews because I get nice-sized tips on nearly every delivery! If they had something negative to say, why would they tip? I don't know. This is so confusing. My mistake was relying on Fiverr too much for my bills. Now I'm in a predicament.
  9. I just tried to sign up for a success manager and I was told I'm not eligible for the Seller Plus program. How does one become "eligible"? I've searched the web and couldn't find a concrete answer. Hoping you can tell me more?
  10. Thank you so much again! Yes, I do all of these things you've mentioned. But definitely some more things to consider here. I had messages on my gigs telling me to increase my prices, so I did about two months ago. I have never recovered since doing this 😞 My visibility decreased by 85+% and my order rate declined by 95%, as did messages from new customers. If I had known increasing my prices as advised by Fiverr would've resulted in this mess, I would never have done it. I've taken a massive blow to my revenue and it's been debilitating.
  11. Wow! Your information is actually quite helpful! I've resisted doing the whole "success manager" thing because over the last two months, my visibility has plummeted to nearly nothing and I wasn't making enough to afford a success manager. But your reply has given me some things to consider. I really appreciate it and thanks so much.
  12. You said this, then continued on saying how you know for sure hidden surveys are helping you. I'm perplexed? If you don't know, but then you also do know.... what am I missing? How do you even know if your customers are doing the hidden surveys? Do you ask them to do them? How can you attribute your sales recovery to hidden survey specifically, if you don't know if people are even filling them out? If most people are too bothered to leave a viewable review, then why would they bother themselves with a hidden survey? Not trying to be sassy here. Just trying to wrap my mind around this.
  13. I have a reputation for going above and beyond. I have over 1,000 five-star reviews. I always overdeliver. The fact is, people don't care to be bothered with hidden surveys. Most people are done with the order completely when they receive it. Putting so much weight on hidden surveys is NOT helping people like me, who've been here for a decade working their butts off.
  14. I get these sorts of messages all the time. I always respond immediately and just say something like, "Hi! How can I help you?" If they are spam, I respond once more, and then I block and report them. That's the only solution I've found. But not responding is not good advice, as this can definitely impact your response rate/time, which is a big factor in your standings.
  15. As a seller, I know my worth. My rates are fixed and when people try to haggle with me, it shows me that they do not value the high quality that I produce with my craft. I'm not interested in working with people who don't value my awesomeness because it is very rare and hard to find in this world. I've literally spent almost two decades perfecting my skills and I'm not willing to compromise my rates. My reviews, samples/examples, and standings speak to my aptitude and customer servie. If you want something of high quality with superior customer service, don't take worthy sellers for granted. Just pay them what they're worth 🙂 You won't regret it.
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