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Posts posted by goldenlily

  1. The BIGGEST issue I think we can all agree on, is that we don't know what to do with this new information we're getting or how to improve based on the lack of specificity--all it is doing is causing us to become deflated and stressed. If there were clear suggestions for what I specifically need to do to improve communication, or client satisfaction, etc., then I could take action to fix it. But when you think you are doing everything right, and you see "Strong Negative Impact" even though you have 5 stars reviews, it leaves me unable to take action to fix it. 

    And because this system is run by AI, we don't even know if the data is being processed accurately for our type of work. If we at least knew what the AI was looking for, we could do a better job catering to the buyer experience. 

    The is from someone who has been on the platform since 2014, and has tons of returning buyers, 5-star rating--I think it's fair to say that this feedback about the new system is coming from veteran sellers who truly care about the quality of work they create. 

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  2. 14 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

    I'd like that to happen, assuming it doesn't impact the score (which I believe if it's in the requirements section it doesn't). Having orders stuck in requirements stresses me and gives me a warped view of how much work I have on. I'd like an order to auto cancel if it's in the requirements for say 60 days.

    Did the majority unite here? I'm not sure. We've seen some posts from newer/aspiring sellers saying they like having more data.

    Perhaps others are scared (for want of a better word) to voice approval because a lot of vocal forum veterans are against it, and they want to avoid the conflict. Perhaps this is also true of some of the unusually silent forum veterans. I've tried to take a middle ground on this, devils advocate etc, but I've received some unpleasantness because of it, and I'm a confident, native English speaker who is TRS and Pro. If it can put me off posting then I'm sure it can do the same to others. I don't know. Like with private reviews... unhappy people do it, happy people do it far less.

    I'd guestimate, from what I've seen that aside from mentions of accounts being flagged, far less than 4000 people came to the forum or reddit to voice their annoyance. 4000 is approximately 1% of active sellers. Even if for every one person that voices disdain there were 10 that were equally annoyed but didn't mention it, that would still only be 10%.

    Perhaps this levels update is actually very popular (I'm not saying it is, I don't know), but in this forum echo chamber it just seems like it isn't. The false consensus effect.

    Take this thread for example.... 1400+ replies, yet 370+ are from 4 people. That's 26%.

    The second comment on this thread: 'I don find any better with this new leveling system, its a messy thing and a bad update for old seller with a decade working on Fiverr, very disappointed' got less than 100 reactions.

    The top ten commenters are responsible 612 posts. That's 44%.

    So, in actual fact a tiny, tiny fraction of sellers are actually coming here saying they're annoyed, or agreeing with the annoyance. Like I say, could this be the 'The false consensus effect.'

    I suppose I just don't think it's a big enough data sample to know whether people overall actually like or don't like this update. I myself have mixed feelings. I'm just not on the 'Fiverr is terrible bandwagon'. It's never been perfect, and it never will. I have always been on the 'you should diversify' bandwagon though. That's common sense and something I know every forum veteran has always advocated for.


    Also apologies for the long wall of text, I don't like reading these either.

    Regarding this, I didn't know this thread existed until today, so I think there are a lot of sellers who are concerned but did not know where to go. 

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  3. On 3/14/2024 at 6:29 PM, kaosx_r6 said:

    How can a I have a conflict-free negative impact if I had ZERO disputes under the Gig. I had ZERO unresolved matters regarding delivery times and cancellations requests. I had ZERO numbers of disputes that had to be escalated to the Fiverr Costumer Support team. This Gig has over 300 5* reviews, and only two non-5* reviews (4.3 and 4.7)

    I typed it in this way just because this is exactly what the article tells us we need to work on.

    I understand that these metrics compare with the similar buyers, but I had ZERO issues with any. How can a BUYER have better standing than me who has ZERO issues?

    I feel your pain, and I'm hoping this is a bug in the system. Can a Fiverr staff person respond to this if they have more info? I would be very curious to know as well. Thank you!

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  4. I would prefer to be able to turn it off, but it’s true that it is probably being used for data collection. I cringe every time I see it because it has nothing to do with my gigs or industry. So I feel for the client who needs to jump through more questions, even if they are optional. It just makes for an awkward experience. I suppose if they are seeing it on every single gig on Fiverr, then they will become used to it eventually.

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    1. a response where you are publicly blaming the bad buyer and pointing the finger at them and coming across as a bit annoyed and maybe even a bit feisty.


    1. a response where you simply say “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. Should you have another design requirement in future then let’s chat as it would be good to make you happy”.

    That (2) is a bit too neutral of a response if and only if the buyer has the majority of the fault.

    I totally agree about this:

    For what it’s worth I would advise against posting the phrase “if you had given me more information in the beginning” because that will come back to bite you on the backside. It’s your job as the seller to ensure you have sufficient information to begin with.

    But any situation can be turned to support your side of the story, phrased into a positive, polite one, but still, stating where the buyer went wrong.

    I would say “I am sorry that it didn’t work out for you. I have sent you several revisions after your remarks and the additional work you’ve requested, and I tried hard to do the best I can to meet your expectations. I wish you well in your future projects.”

    Then, blocking him and at the end, you can be more harsh on the review you post on his profile, if you need to be more harsh 🙂

    Is there a way to leave a different review on their profile? I don’t see that option. I only see the ability to respond to the review they gave. This is in regards to your suggestion below:


    Then, blocking him and at the end, you can be more harsh on the review you post on his profile, if you need to be more harsh 🙂

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