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  1. We just reached out to CS and asked them to look into the issue and they fixed it after reviewing it with the internal team.
  2. We faced the same issue five days ago, and it ended up being a False Positive flag from Fiverr's system. They removed the flag from the account a couple of hours after we reached out to the CS, and it was restored to normal in 24 hours. Wishing you all the best with your account recovery.
  3. HI @Kesha, The new review system seriously needs some attention as we have had a lot of instances now where buyers wanted to rate higher but ended up giving a lower rating. From the buyer's end, it's a simple apology in most cases but they don't know about the consequences that we sellers could have to face due to such mistakes of their's. Take this as an example, where a buyer wanted to leave a 5-star review but ended up leaving a 4-star review. Now to maintain our TRS level, we need to have a minimum rating of 4.7 stars and just to offset this review that was left by mistake we now need to get 3 x 5-star reviews as the overall overage would then be following, 3 x 5star = 15 1 x 4star = 4 Total average = 19/4 = 4.75 Generally, only 60-65% of the buyers leave reviews after approving their order. This means that to get these 3 x 5-star reviews to make up for the buyer's mistake, we will have to potentially complete about 5 orders. ============================================================================= Question: Now with the new Value of Money question, how likely it is to score 5/5 in that criteria each time? The answer is very less likely. ============================================================================ That being said the probability of getting a 4.7-star review or lower is very high and it might take us the next 10-12 orders just to offset the impact of this mistake and despite of all that effort our Success Score will still suffer. Not to mention that all this effort is required just to maintain the minimum criteria to remain TRS and avoid demotion. To stay ahead of the competition, it would be logical to say that we might have to maintain a minimum rating of 4.9, and with this mistake, it can take us the next 30-40 orders just to offset it and push our average rating back to 4.9.
  4. We have had a bunch of instances now where we have observed the same. We have opened up a ticket with Fiverr Support and shared multiple use cases. @Kesha the Ticket ID is 11050768. This feedback really needs to be passed along. I'll be meeting with the Success Manager soon and will also be discussing this with him.
  5. Gigs on Fiverr can be eligible for both Fiverr Catalog and Fiverr Business Catalog. Not all Fiverr Catalog Gigs are eligible for Fiverr Business. Therefore, the badge signifies that your Gig is only eligible for Fiverr Catalog. If your Gig was also listed in Fiverr Business Catalog, then it would have had an extra badge saying "Fiverr Business" next to "Fiverr" badge. Such as in this screenshot -
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