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  1. If you like to write with music in the background, try Lindsey Stirling’s stuff.
  2. I love techno/dance music. Right now, my stitch is Armin van Buuren. Although I do throw in my favorite in there as well (Scooter). I live in the wrong part of the country/world for this kind of music. What I wouldn’t give to see Scooter in concert.
  3. My husband saw them in concert about a year ago in Memphis. He loves NIN and Trent. He was able to finally cross them off his bucket list, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t go back if he could.
  4. Glad I could have been an indirect source of information for ya. I hope things continue to go well for you. As for me… yesterday was still awesome. I managed to get almost all the things I wanted to get done complete. All the files for 2 locations were addressed. Today, I’ll be dealing the eight files that could not be handled with due to incorrect numbers and whatnot. Then I plan on tackling the main campus’ files. That will be fun because we’re looking at a plethora of files here. Either way, my boss told me yesterday, she’s got no complaints about the work I’m doing. She told me I fit right in! 🙂 I absolutely love this woman!
  5. Actually no. But, he’s still in summer. I’m not. That’s the beautiful thing about him being 13. I can trust him more than I could a 6 year old to be okay. Besides, I’ve got the hubby, fil and his older brother to watch him as I sleep. I don’t tend to worry about this kid. He can’t get away with anything. He’s tried but been busted pretty much right away. Not a sneaky kid. Lol
  6. Woo-hoo! 😄 We, teachers, are quite an amazing lot! 😊 Are you cooking your dinner before work? :thinking: Lol, me too!
  7. I absolutely loved my job yesterday. Working with my son’s kindergarten teacher is amazing. She was amazing then and she still is now. I love this job! Thank you everybody for all your well wishes! I’d say more, now, but I’m in the middle of a project, cooking from scratch mashed potatoes (pork chops are already done), got in my gym workout too and getting ready for work. It’s already been a busy morning! Have a great day fellow Fiverrians!
  8. It’s here! The day I start my new job at as the “no longer classified as a secretary” administrative assistant for the Pre-K building. Needless to say, my stomach was tied in knots last night and I was up slightly later than I wanted to be. I’m nervous, and I’m all about not screwing up. And, I know. it’s just the first day. I’m going to screw up something. It’s just the way the world goes, and it’s like any job… eventually, you will mess up. This perfectionist will just need to remember this. 🙂 This weekend, I did manage to get through 5 Fiverr large projects in my hands and only have a mere 4 in my hands now for Fiverr. That’s fine, giving that we’re really busy this week. I have one on the horizon and then that’s it. With my gigs on the last page and sales screeching practically to a halt, I’m happy to have this new job at the school. I’m perfectly content with how things are going. Since I’m awake now… I’m going to get some work done for Fiverr and then do a home workout. Wish me luck y’all!
  9. The best way is not to be disrespectful of others, accusing others (even without naming them) that they are cheaters and liars. If you’re doing this to get attention, you’re only getting negative attention.
  10. It’s such a minor goal but Fiverr is going to play a HUGE part in it. I have two car payments (we paid off a third last year by September). Now, we’ve got another one that’s so near to being paid off that I can literally feel the paper of the title in my hand. Really no greater feeling here! Now, here’s the deal. I’m already paying $300 to $400 a month on the car. However, I’ve decided that for every $300 I’ve earned on Fiverr I make after the initial $350 I need each month (and it’s doable), I’m going to throw another $100 at it. My goal is to put another $200 a month on top of what I already pay for the car myself. And, any overtime work my husband works at his job, the overtime money will go to the car as well. By the end of this month, I should owe less than $3,000 on this car. If all stands to reason and goes right, I should have this car paid off in September. Of course, if hubby starts to work more overtime in the summer - like it tends to happen - the car could be paid off earlier than that. That’s the goal, and I can’t wait! The other job didn’t pan out but I did have word on another one through the school that I applied for. Reached out to the principal of that school (she happened to my son’s kindergarten teacher too) and she said I can at least guarantee an interview. Now, I just need to impress the superintendent and one other person. If this job worked out, it’s a 10-month a year position, little more money and in an office setting that uses my computer-related skills. All I can say is… BRING IT ALL ON! I love me a challenge!
  11. Well, I was wrong. Christmas break for the school is about to be upon me, and I am busy… busy,busy, busy. And, while it’s good, I have to say JUST WOW! I never thought I’d be this busy in Christmas. I suspected it would be different with what all the changes, but word of mouth and being on the first page for several days now, I was wrong. Good for me I guess. 😃
  12. My husband keeps telling me to use my writing quiet times to do some writing on my novel. I have the first two chapters started and I know how the book is supposed to go and end, but I rarely ever have time to write for myself. One of these days…
  13. I plan on using that time to visit my family over the Christmas holiday and relax… something I don’t generally do because I am so busy. Of course, last December I stayed busy… barely a slump, but I suspect this December is going to be different. And if it is, it’s all good. I’ll see what happens and go from there.
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