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Posts posted by shifan

  1. 14 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    If you put the buyer's name at the start of each delivery file and had the buyers files in their own folder on your device (I assume you do that though) then that should reduce the chance of giving the wrong file to a buyer. eg. so you can check the file name against the username shown on the order page before delivering it.

    Yeah have separate folders. Sometimes thongs happen 😁

    Thank you.

    • Like 9
  2. 18 hours ago, surajrenuka said:

    Did you send that file through inbox or through order page? 

    DO you have an activ order with both buyers ?


    There is no way to remove or edit sent messages and If that file are not personal then its fine.

    Just inform that buyer to disregard the old sent file and re send new one with new message and explain that it was mistake.


    But if you have delivered the wrong file to other buyer then its serious..you either need to deliever the right file to that buyer soon and explain the issue-mistake or ask him to put that order back in revision and take a responsibilty to deliver the promised file on agreed time.

    This may lead to TOS violation if buyer reach out to fiverr CS with this matter so you need to react fast and explain things to your buyer.

    It was through inbox. I normally don't offer source files in my order as part of the delivery. This is done to avoidconfusing the buyer with so many files and in case they ask for any changes then there is no point sending the source files. So I send them after they are clear with the files.

    Both of them have similar names, and had active orders.

    I informed the buyer to disregard the message. Still waiting to know of the outcome from CS.

    Thank you for your valuable input.

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  3. 18 hours ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    Contact fiverr support. Describe how sensitive the file was. Then they might remove it.

    Normally, I remove all previous chats. Then I see only current buyers. Then less chances to mistake like this.

    In my case, I sent wrong file to buyer and he assumed me as non serious...

    That is great tip. Thank you 🙂

    I have contacted the CS. But they still didn't informed me if is removed or not. I can still see the files in the inbox.

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  4. Hi,

    I accidentally sent some files to the wrong buyer.  Is there a way to remove them?

    I contacted the CS. But don't know if they will remove them or not. Did any of you had any similar experience? It would be really help me at this moment.

    They both have similar profile pictures. It was my first time since I started on Fiverr. It's really bothers.

    Any advice from you will really help me.


    Thank you

    Shifan 🙂 

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  5. Most of the time it could be spamming

    * But some buyers have two accounts, one for selling, one for buying.

    * Some people have accounts for business and personal.

    * Another is one person is asking an employee or a freelancer/contractor to do a work for them, at the same time that person is also contact us.

    The above all happened to me. But most of time it's spamming.

    • Like 6
  6. They are trying to spam.

    If you're on a mobile phone reply them with a small message. After that block the user. That way it won't affect your response rate. But if you only blocked the user without replying him with a message it will affect the response rate.

    It happened to me.

    • Like 4
  7. 8 hours ago, j6nyc6 said:

    No. There's no way you can stay awake every minute of every day. Therefore, you can not be available 24 hours a day. Find another way to make your gig stand out without trying to game the system.

    If you check the online status of the same niche sellers, they are always online. Do you think they are really online?

    Their are people somehow gaming the system and taking advantage of being online. It's a huge disadvantage for us.

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  8. On 6/21/2022 at 10:45 AM, mariashtelle1 said:

    Then why don’t you reply back on that ticket saying exactly this? ☝️ That it wasn’t an incomplete order, it was approved

    I did that after I received the first reply. I even sent a screenshot of the order page.

    This is what I got:

    "This decision was made by our relevant team and when the order gets canceled, there is no option to reopen it again. The last status of your order wasn't indicating that the order was completed, instead, it looked like the order has been continued to work on.

    Please be aware that this process is not regulated or organized by Customer Support, so we will not be able to disclose any more detailed information about this."

    I replied asking them to inform the relevant team.

    • Like 5
  9. Hi All,

    I had to cancel several orders in the past because some buyers directly order without contacting me first.

    And some of them send me the file types that are not used in the gigs.

    I would like if the gig requirements allow us, the seller, to specify what file types can be attached. So the seller can attach only the accepted file types.

    Thank you Shifan 🙂 

    • Like 2
  10. 16 hours ago, ssj1236 said:

    Ok so I was wrong. An order from 3 years ago just got cancelled. The order was from 2019 and have a 5 star review + a tip. Have to contact support and ask what happened. 

    Sorry to hear that. That's the same copy/past reply I got 😂

    Hope they will solve the issue.

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, smashradio said:

    I once got a delivery from a seller that turned out to be stolen property. The video intro I ordered 4 years ago was basically stolen and my wife, who used the video on some videos on Youtube, got a copyright strike for it. 

    You can be damn sure I contacted customer support, got the order cancelled, and reported the user. I also sent the username to the original copyright owners along with documentation of my order, and they removed the strike from Youtube. 

    I seriously hope they went after the seller with all their might. 

    Selling stolen property should not go unpunished. 

    I'm not saying you did something like this! It just goes to show that yes, if a buyer found out that they had a rightful reason to cancel the order, it could happen years later. 

    As to the reason for your cancellation, you need to take that up with customer support. They might be able to tell you why. 

    This has nothing to do with the buyer. Fiverr cancelled the order thinking it was incomplete.

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  12. ***Update***

    I contacted the cs, they said this was cancelled because "it looked like" the order was incomplete. In fact the order was completed and even tipped by the buyer.

    They have refunded the earnings. They said they cannot do anything about it.

    It's really unfair. 😐

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  13. Hi All,

    I was surprised to see a message in Fiverr app saying my order completion is below 90% and the funds available has been reduced by the order value. So I checked what order was cancelled. It turns out the order was completed seven years ago.

    I like to know from you guys what could be the reason for such a cancellation and is it fair that order should affect my current completion rate.

    Thank you

    Shifan 🙂 

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  14. After having had a very intense/busy last week, I expected today to be a lazy Sunday — one of seclusion and contemplation. But — oh, no! Life would be too easy (too boring even) if everything went your way, am I right? 😉

    As soon as I wake up, I usually check my mobile phone for notifications (I have ALL Fiverr notifications enabled, btw). Sometimes, I also open the Fiverr App just in case there is a notification hiding inside the App (sometimes, push notifications can be unreliable 😉 ). But, today, I didn’t see anything in the App either.

    After making myself some breakfast, I opened Fiverr on my PC. I noticed the characteristic magenta/pink dot by the “Messages.” There were still no notifications on the Fiverr App, though. This struck me as strange. Anyway, when I checked the Fiverr notification on my PC, it was the dreaded “Verify your ID to continue on Fiverr” message. 😰 Yep, it appeared as a notification. So, please pay attention to those magenta/pink dots and the message that’s shown! 😉

    Since there are hardly any posts (from people who have succeeded in their verification process) detailing the entire verification process, I thought I’d give a very detailed description of my experience. 😃 Okay, moving on…

    When you click on that notification, it takes you to a page where there is a QR code (which directs you to the ID verification link) as well as an option to get the ID verification link (that the QR code directs you to) sent via e-mail. To be honest, I was under the impression that each seller received a unique link which would only work for that seller. However, it was just a generic link which took you to Fiverr’s ID verification page. This is the link that the QR code, as well as the email, directs you to:

    https:// www.fiverr. com/id_verification/info

    [Note: Hyperlink has been removed. Please do not go to this web-address if you haven’t yet received a notification to verify your ID. I have only shared this info. so that you understand every step of the process.]

    Once you go to that link on your smartphone, you will then be asked to enter your Fiverr login details. The verification process will start as soon as you are logged in.

    You can access the above-mentioned link via your PC/tablet/laptop, too. However, I am not sure if accessing that link from such devices would ask you to switch to a smartphone to proceed with the verification process. Fiverr suggests you do the verification process on your smartphone, and that’s how I did mine.

    The verification process consists of 2 stages:

    1. Take a photo of your passport/driver’s license/ID.

    2. Take a photo of yourself.

    You have the option to either go to the camera App on your phone to take a current photo or to access your photos/files on your phone to upload a pre-existing file/photo from your phone. Before proceeding to the next step in the verification process, you can also retake the photos as many ever times as you want until you are satisfied with the quality of the photo.

    Just like how someone had already mentioned in a previous thread, you can also upload a pre-existing/pre-scanned photo of your document by clicking on the icon that allows you to access the photos/files on your phone.

    I believe the more clear, sharp, focused, and bright (without overexposure, of course) your photos are, the higher is your chance of success.

    Therefore, I believe the easiest way to succeed in the verification process is by getting a professionally-made studio-quality photo of your ID and yourself and uploading it during your verification process (by clicking on the icon that allows you to access the photos/files on your phone).

    You could also use a scanner to scan your documents, but I believe a professional-quality photo of your ID (taken in a bright environment with diffuse lighting) would have a much higher resolution/quality.

    Here’s what I personally did:

    1. Since I didn’t have a pre-scanned image of my ID that was of good enough quality, I decided to first take a photo of my ID before starting the verification process (I used a 16 Mp camera for this purpose). It is also possible to tab out of your browser to access the camera App on your phone even when you are already in the middle of the verification process on your mobile browser.

    I stuck my ID onto the middle of a plain white paper (with double-sided tape). I then turned ALL the lights in my room on to ensure that the room was brightly lit and that the light was very diffuse. This was to ensure that there was no shadow projecting onto the ID while taking its photo. I rested the sheet of paper (with my ID) on a wall and then took a photo. Please make sure that the photo looks sharp and bright. I then uploaded the photo to my PC and edited it further for better brightness and image clarity. I then sent the edited image to my phone and started the verification process. In the first step, I clicked on the icon to access files on my phone and uploaded this edited image of my ID. Despite putting in all the effort to ensure that the edited photo was as bright as possible, the final uploaded image in step 1 looked dull/dark. But that didn’t seem to be an issue.

    1. Since I already had a studio-quality photo of myself taken when I had applied for my passport, I just uploaded that photo in the second step.

    This is the end of the verification process. You will then get a message saying that Fiverr has received your photos and that they will inform you of the result.

    Hardly 5 seconds after that, I got an email saying that I’d successfully verified my ID.





    I also got a notification on Fiverr.

    I would also like to mention that the ID that I’d uploaded was not an entirely English document. It had German, English, and French. So, I think Fiverr accepts non-English documents, too. 🙂

    I did not see any information pertaining to the number of attempts I had available and the deadline for successful verification of ID prior to account suspension. Some users have claimed that you only have 15 days to verify your ID and that you only have 3 attempts. I am not sure if Fiverr has changed this in any way. Or maybe you’re shown that info. only after you fail in verifying your ID? I don’t know. :man_shrugging:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding the ID verification process. I’d be glad to help y’all out. 😺

    Hardly 5 seconds after that,

    I had verified my account online for various things (paypal, Payoneer etc), but all of them took at least a day or two to verify my details.

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