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Posts posted by larrydrums

  1. 5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    Aaand... Just got a 4.7 star review from a repeat buyer who always leaves 5 stars. A long list of things that went well, a glowing review, and 4 stars for "value of delivery".


    It's happened to me four times now. A result of a faulty update and a confusing system that the buyers are faced with. 

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  2. 16 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    exactly what i thougt. They give a sht about clients and freelancers, they just want to push everybody to spend more in promotion and to force everyone to get seller plus, thats not a growth strategy, is milking to dead the cows, they dont care because new freelancers will always do it, will always fall in the fake promotion and in the shitty investment for the seller plus trying to make their gigs "more visible"...

    In other words they are mining the miners. 

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  3. 20 minutes ago, newsmike said:


    There is far more to that decision than just the overall rating. Example, side by side on Amazon, nearly identical products. 

    You gonna buy the 5 star, or the 4.5 star product?  Value, price and yes even the psychology of popularity all matter in addition to the silly stars.




    Think about it. The $39 product has 137 5 star reviews, while the $29 product has 14,393 5 star reviews.

    Who's the winner?

    Last time I checked, a huge majority of Fiverr sellers don't sell a physical product. 

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  4. 46 minutes ago, andywarburton said:

    I think I understand what they are trying to do... buyers get confused and can't pick between sellers when *everyone* has perfect five stars across the board. They're trying to create a broader distribution of scores that truely represents the variety of quality that is available. The way Fiverr has implimented it isn't perfect and will take some tweaking (and adjustment from our side) before it works out properly, but the old system where everyone had five stars was deeply flawed as well.

    Hmmm, so whats going to happen when the 4.7, 4.8 star etc sellers profiles appear next to 5.0 star sellers? Who would you pick as a service provider? If you needed a new roof on your house and you consulted Yelp, and found numerous roofers with 4.7 etc reviews that were amongst roofers with 5.0 star reviews, you would hire the 4.7 roofer because ? 

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  5. 23 minutes ago, emmasuebowtique said:

    Exactly! If my rating went from a 5 to 4.9, then why is my success score a 4... Yet I am being told my success score is no longer at level 2 level because of private reviews. So it docks my reviews by .1 however I dropped to a level 0... All I can do is laugh. I legit got a fiverrs choice award order yesterday. Guess a success score of 4 is deserving of that LOL! 

    It's too bad Albert Einstein isn't alive to make sense of all that. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, nesenili said:

    I got 10 success scores, %100 response rate, and 5 legit stars. All my ratings are 5 stars - I've never even gotten 4 stars before. And suddenly I saw my rating became 4.9 stars...
    I mean I worked so hard for this. I did my best!

    And it is because of testing ? - so they said.

    They said "Research shows that 4.9 stars are more trustworthy" But I'm not a 4.9 stars owner. I'm a 5-star owner. This is not trustworthy for my customers. This is a falsehood!

    Research shows the 4.9 stars are more trustworthy ? Really ? I'd love to see where they got that one from. Who in their right mind thinks 4.8, 4.9 stars are more trustworthy ? If I want to hire a plumber via Yelp reviews and plumber #1 has an overall review of 4.8, but plumber #2 has a solid 5 stars, who do you think Im going to hire ? 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, harperjohn said:

    Fiverr should determine gig value by simple metrics. 

    - reply time

    - public rating

    - conversion rate 

    - delivery time 

    - gig profile 

    It's unfortunate that this model was not deemed sufficient by Fiverr. The negative side to a company going public is investors suddenly become the main focus. So the people at Fiverr have to establish continued growth in order to establish their value. And that means if the growth metrics aren't being hit, then the people at Fiverr have to establish to investors that they are making substantial changes to account for this. I think this is the root of the sudden level system change. It sounds fancy to investors and makes them feel like Fiverr is working hard to meet their goals. Too bad it is having the exact opposite effect. 

    If it ain't broke don't fix it

    I'd agree here. A solution for a non problem. 

    • Like 6
  8. 10 hours ago, ralphwie said:

    I too echo the various comments here that the new review system is a mess. I understand that Fiverr wants to improve the platform with fresh new ideas but strangely it typically hits serious sellers hard and to the extent that sellers are getting punished.  

    To start with we have cancellations that are impacting the ratings. This issue we had for a long time and it has never actually been resolved adequately. Examples are orders placed in error, orders placed without reading the requirements, orders placed without reading the gig at all, and of course out of scope and no response. Those all have negative impacts and even if you spend an hour supporting that buyer and the cancelation still goes ahead, your rating goes down. Yet the actual reason being not your fault is totally ignored. So how can that be fair?

    The second is the changeover from the rating system. The questionnaire is far too difficult and the star chart doesn't relate to said questions. Which in turn causes a lot of 4/4.x reviews whereas in the old system, those would have been 5. carineb in her posts on Thursday and Friday has actually hit the nail on the head with her explanation. Yet while Fiver is (from experience likely not) experimenting with formulating the questions, serious long-time sellers and the few who actually care about their public ratings are getting bombarded with 4.x reviews where the customer wants to leave a 5 * but is too confused with the questionnaire. Again this has an obvious negative impact on the sellers. To that end, one may look at eBay, Yelp, Etsy, google, amazon, or even Upwork and PPL to admire a functional and well-thought-out rating system only to appreciate their simplicity and user-friendliness. Yet, one who prefers to remain in a fictional realm may continues to explore, reinvent, and disregard a certain uniformity that has evolved between other platforms. But, must then not wonder why he/she has alienated serious sellers and created a realm of misguided buyers.  

    I`m all for quality and being serious and to turn Fiverr's reputation among the other platforms, around but with the recent changes, I don't feel that Fiverr is aiming this way.  So my question is why are we punishing and deliberately disadvantaging serious sellers with something that is hastily rolled out, not thoroughly thought through, or implemented properly? 

    Spot on. I just got my first 4.7 review. thanks to this disaster of an update. The buyer had previously left four five star reviews. Other sellers in my category are also now (for the first time) getting 4.3 and 4.7 type reviews. Additionally my seller rating dropped overnight thanks to that 4.7 review. 


    Overall this does not surprise me one bit, considering that fact that most of these updates are shoot from the hip and cross your fingers type methods. 

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  9. On 3/21/2023 at 9:23 AM, newsmike said:

    It seems that a good number of us are experiencing the same slump. Out of curiosity, what was the approximate date you fell off the cliff?  Curious if there was an adjustment to algo that whacked us all at the same time. I was hit between Jan 30th-Feb 6th, when my daily impressions dropped from 5,000 to 100.  Been crap ever since and SM has no real answers or help. Anyone else on the same timeline?  Like @leannelrivers said, thankfully, Fiverr is a small part of my business.

    Mine dropped late Jan, at this point Ill be lucky to close 10 orders this month. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, knightartist86 said:

    I'm on Fiverr for 10 Years. Top seller with over 1.5k reviews on one gig alone, 5 star rating AND 'Buyers keep returning' status. I'm now on page 4 of the search, with many 4.8/4.9 level 1 sellers ahead of me, lost thousands of impressions. Haven't had an order in a week, most people are old clients. I relied on Fiverr for my clients and this is the first time in years I've been worried about my income. 

    All I'm doing is helping Fiverr by sending clients to my Fiverr page and not the other way about. 

    So many Long term Fiverr sellers and Top sellers will be abandoning this platform with the way things are currently running. Not because they'd want to but because they have no choice.

    Same exact situation here as far as order go. Used to close 35 or so order a month, now it's half of that. This month (thus far) I am at 7 orders. 

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