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Posts posted by sandy7452

  1. 1 hour ago, dhanais said:

    I do not have that option how can i do that

    To block a user on Fiverr, you will need to use the Fiverr mobile app. Once you have logged into the app, you can navigate to the conversation with the user and select the option to block them. This will prevent further messages from that user.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Kesha said:

    Hi Sorry for the delayed response. I wanted to make sure I could find the correct answer for you. Using a VPN is technically not against our guidelines as long as you're not using it to mislead other users about your location. If you decide to use a VPN while maintaining integrity about your location, we support your choice.

    Hi Kesha,

    Thank you so much for your reply and for clarifying the policy regarding VPN use on Fiverr.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Kesha said:

    At Fiverr, we pride ourselves in championing the new era of working from anywhere, anytime. Recently, we’ve heard that there’s been some confusion about what triggers a flag for location inconsistencies, so here’s what you should know:

    All users are required to have their accurate country displayed on their profile. This helps buyers make informed decisions and avoids complications such as language barriers and time zone differences. Misrepresenting your location for any reason is against our Terms of Service and any suspicious location patterns will be flagged. 

    The following actions are not against our policies and will not trigger a location flag:

    • Switching your working devices
    • Using a wifi source different than your usual one
    • Traveling and working from another city or country

    To avoid a location flag, we advise informing Customer Success if and when you move to a different country. Keep in mind, they may ask for documentation and will update your profile accordingly. 

    Keeping your location accurate is crucial, and failure to do so can result in a location flag. If you have any account-specific questions about location inconsistencies, please reach out to Customer Support for further assistance. 

    Hi Kesha,

    I am planning to travel to different countries while continuing my work on Fiverr as a digital nomad. This will often require me to use public WiFi networks. To maintain security, I am considering using a VPN.

    Could you please clarify whether using a VPN is permitted on Fiverr while accessing the platform from public WiFi networks? Additionally, are there any specific guidelines or best practices I should follow to ensure my account remains secure and compliant with Fiverr's policies during my travels?

    Thank you for your assistance.

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