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Account balance


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Hi, I currently have a $9 balance in my account, however I don’t know why. I contacted customer support a few days ago and asked, however have not heard back from them yet. Is there a way to tell why I have this credit?


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Most probably you canceled an order, maybe a seller failed to deliver or something like that.

Customer support will contact you once your ticket gets its turn to be answered, don’t open multiple support tickets about the same issue as that just slows them down.

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I bought too many gigs for a project and the seller and I cancelled them. The situation is that I have $55 in my account that I want back in my Paypal account. How does one go about getting money ‘out’ of their account? I can’t find any way.

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Sorry to hear that, really, but unfortunately the fact that you can not get refund back is clearly stated in the Fiverr Terms of Service, that is recommended to carefully read before joining in as users. The only thing is that you can order something else with that money. That was like that from V1, it is not something new.

There is always something really precious that you can get in Fiverr. So many gigs here, much more cheap than anywhere else in the market. In such good quality and professional service I mean.

You will find another seller to do your job for sure!

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