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Am new, Need help in selling


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My name is Juliana, I’m a professional in audio production and graphics designing… And I’ve been sending offer ever since i got here and still couldn’t get a job. … Someone should please give me some tips that will help


Dear Juliana:

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: While the two images of you mashed together like Hannah Montana is creative, given that you’re not happy with your results so far, I suggest 1 image of your smiling face in closeup.
Your log line: This is a slogan that appears below your user name. You don’t have one. You should get one and make it cool.
Your profile text: I found no profile text for you. I suggest you hire a copy writer to write one for you. You should also hire a copy writer for your gig descriptions.

“Me and my team will” should be “I and my team will”. “Using any picture of your choice” will undoubtedly violate the Fiverr Terms of Service.

All your gigs should have video, 3 images, 2 pdfs, and so on…

It boggles my mind that you have no demo video for your video making gig. There was once a performer named Michael Jackson. He made some demo videos that the folks on a cable television network called MTV liked, and they shared those videos with the general public. This approach apparently worked out well for Mr. Jackson. Maybe it could work for you!* Make a video of yourself talking to the camera, because this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

Good luck,

*If you’re not familiar with “Michael Jackson,” you can probably Google that or find out more about him on Wikipedia.

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Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

Improve My Gig Checklist
Seller Tip Trilogy
3 Top Tips and Tricks
How Do I Attract Buyers to My Gig?
Buyer Requests 1
Buyer Requests 2
Tips for Non-Native English Speakers
Sellers Instructionals from a Techies POV
Video Tutorial
SEO Idea
54 Sales in Our First Month
7 Tips for Upselling
Social Media Gig Marketing
Gig Tweaks
Digital Copyright
Fiverr’s Cut
Warning Signs of a Potentially Troublesome Buyer
What URLs Can I Use?


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