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Making a Dream Come True


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Hello fiverr forum MY name is Nick, known as nytechboy here and I just wanted to share something that I think has possibly become a revelation and maybe a turning point in my life. I am 28 now, and have been living on my own since my father died of pancreatic cancer when I was seventeen. It’s tough trying to make it in New York, they wouldn’t say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere if it wasn’t.

Life has been a struggle trying to put myself through college, take care of a younger sister, and keep up something resembling a social life. And while I have received a degree in Information Technology and I am pursuing a Masters, I have yet to find a dream job that yields a salary that could start a family.

In the interim between then and now I can tell you that I have found one thing that has kept me positive and given me strength, love. You can really tell that someone loves you with all their heart when you’ve got nothing but yourself to give and that’s all they could ever ask for. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want a beautiful wedding and a house and children you know, we all want to live the Dream. And all I’ve ever wanted since the day I met her was for her to be happy.

Which is why I am writing this to all of you to say that I believe that if I can complete enough gigs here on fiverr I think I might just be able to buy a decent wedding ring for Caitlin, and that’s a pretty good start, right?

Now I don’t really know what wedding rings cost but I imagine that a small one would be upwards of at least a thousand dollars, so I estimate around 250 gigs will get me close to my goal. So far I am up to 9, so just 241 gigs to go :] Please wish me luck, and I will keep you all updated on my progress as time goes by, and maybe one day I can post a pic of the ring.

I want to thank fiverr for the opportunity to help me make some money on the side to put away for things like this, and for all the other new sellers like me just know that, like anything else, hard work will pay off.

Here’s to making our dreams come true!

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Since you also mentioned somewhere on these forums that you had some good tech experience, did you notice that Fiverr has placed a “We’re Hiring” button in the footer at the bottom of some pages on this forum? Only they could tell you the terms of this, but it might be a good fit…

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Reply to @artemist: I actually did take a look but most of the positions available are in Tel Aviv except for a Senior Community Manager here in New York but I will keep an eye out for an opening and I thank you for thinking of me. I would definitely love to work for a company like fiverr 🙂

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Guest allason

That is a great story and I really hope that you can get that ring really soon!! I wish you and Caitlin much joy together!

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Guest wwahhmpreneur

NYTB: Thanks for sharing your story. So happy for your future 'cause you seem like an awesome guy who wants to live a good life and have a happy family. God bless you.

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