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Please fix Fiverr

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  • 1 month later...

“Fiverr” is an organization. And while some folks may think Corporations are People too… LOL. And while there may be elements of human capital of that organization, we are currently without any access to know if the “relevant” eyes and ears are on this.

What we DO know, is this is not a new issue. It has been raised in many medium. And hitherto, it hasn’t been a priority.

Now is that for “lack of interest” / “disagreement” or simply / “a matter of timing” I can only speculate.

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I have to say I totally agree with what has been said on this thread , BUT

the thing to remember here is that this is FIVERR and not E-BAY.

Most of the posters here are top-rated sellers which means they have either made alot of $ here or have undertaken their gigs as their main source of income or both.

But, the fact remains that 5er is meant for 5$ gigs and not 50-100$ gigs, and thats what makes it special and beautiful !

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  • 2 months later...

Let’s keep this alive. I’ve literally been complaining about this BUG for Years now. Every day I have to explain to someone why they can’t have multiples and extras together in one order. Let’s pick a day and really storm the fucking castle, Anonymous style. – Well in a polite Fiverr way. On Monday, I want EVERYBODY to write a complaint to support demanding this be fixed. Here’s an even better idea: Write a little message about it and paste it at the bottom of EVERY delivery and correspondence, like an email signature. Something like this:


Help us to improve Fiverr. Please contact Customer Support and demand they fix the bug that keeps you from ordering Extras and Multiple Gig Units in the same order. Th@nks!"

Feel free to copy and paste. The @ will drive them bonkers! It'll flag every message, forcing them to check every one. Our message will have to be listened to. Who's with me?
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  • 4 months later...


This is still a bug, apparently. I forgot to add an extra for a gig, and I ordered two more gigs from the same seller. I went back to try to add the missing extra, and there is no way to do it! I don’t know what to do now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having the same problem. I am trying to pay the seller extra gigs and I cannot without opening another order. If I want to pay 4 gigs that will be four open orders which will be confusing for one and also if the orders are not done in time the seller is penalized and in actual fact there is only one order being paid for. This is a mess.

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