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Help with an order

Guest fastdelivery2

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Guest fastdelivery2

hello everyone. i have someone who wants to place an order in my photoshop gig. the problem is that it is a very large amount of images not covered in my gig. I wanted to do them in batches and deliver as soon as they are completed in 1 or 2 days delivery time. If i were to do the entire amount then my deliver time would cross 30 days. I also would also like to avoid him having to place an order for each batch. Another issue would be the uploading of his and my completed images because of the size limit. is there anyone with ideas how we can work around this.

thanking everyone in advance for you help.

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Definitely don’t have them order a huge amount all at once. It puts you at risk and them at risk. Also, no single gig is supposed to exceed a 30 day delivery time.

Just break it up and have them start with one custom order for what you feel comfortable doing to start. If you haven’t worked with them before, I would do anything that costs more than $25 as a first milestone. That way, if something goes wrong, neither of you are down more than $25 through cancellation, chargeback or just dislike of the results. If all goes well with the first portion, then give them a custom order for the next one and so on. Many of us have learned this the hard way.

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Guest fastdelivery2

Thanks for your advice i understand what you are saying and it makes sense. thanks again

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Guest fastdelivery2

probably not a good idea to commit myself on such a large order. do it sets, gotcha!
thanks again

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