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Tips for seller and beginners to get more or first order


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In This post I will provide tips and will discuss different ways and method to promote Fiverr gigs and increase in numbers of orders but I am not responsible for anything because I am providing you the authentic information and knowledge that I gainer from my personal experience.

Most of newbie on fiverr ask the same question that why am I not getting orders?

Here is the answer:

There are many reasons which you can linked with this question. The reason is that competition is high as people are making more and more gigs but the number of buyers are less as compared to sellers. Sometime people know about this platform but they come here when they need the service and select one seller by one buyer. But no more need as The owner of Fiverr has spent many million dollars on its marketing and advertisements to catch more buyers and make them addicted to it with super offers in $5.

The second reason is simple that if your gig is not nice and better, visitors didn’t find your service good, no clicks, no views and no impression then your gig go down and don’t show on the top. Mostly customers prefer the gig which is on the top.

The third reason is the gig in new arrival section. Some of the buyers prefer the gigs in recommendation section or high rating sections. So, it also reduce your chances to get orders but there are many who also prefer new arrival services but mostly on the top.

So, It is very important to rank them and make them still on the top in the list, this would be also helpful for you to get more orders,

Remember at initial stage everyone feels difficulty in starting online business so don’t lose hope and work hard with your complete potential. An Important thing is not to give up at any case and work till you succeed. No one at fiverr get their success at once, they had done many sacrifices, they left eating food, they slept less and work overnight for what? just to get success. You have to do the same.

Fiverr is easy but if you feel it hard then you are the only one who have to make it easy. You can do it if you are serious. I is the complete system , you have to understand it first.

Like what the newbies do? they heard or watch a single video tutorial or something that is inappropriate and start working on it.

This is the wrong way to start working and think to become rich in overnight. So, It is very essential for every single person that firstly learn it, implement and practice it to understand the system. When you will get to know or understood its mechanism then you are successful

Remove the concept of making money, just focus in learning because this learning will lead you to big and more big money like money making machine. On reading article or watch tutorials and videos on it doesn’t mean that you learned it, you will have to implement what you learned.

There are some tips that you should know and remember for a long:

Make 7 Gigs on different topics or categories because if you didn’t receive order on a particular gig then there would be a chance to get on others from 6 gigs. I always suggest everyone to make 7 gigs so it increase the chances of getting orders or more.

The above tips is the first one that really work. The second tip is to go on selling > buyer requests section just after publishing gig o your profile. Go there and find a suitable requests that you can do well. Buyers requests are actually the posts or need help in doing the specific tasks for them and will pay you. By doing this you will get more orders and big ones. On daily basis many requests by buyers are posted in this section where they asked to send them proposal of the seller offer, if they like it , seller will get an order. You can send 10 offers per day in 24 hours. If you send 10 offers per day then may be your one of proposal got accepted.

What people do on sending offers there?

They just send them empty offer which is waste or send proposal to that person who already get many offers on that single requests. This is wrong way…!

How to send appropriate offer or proposal?

First of all check which task you can do perfectly, secondly check and make sure the buyer didn’t get more than 10 offers but if you find a request that have less than 5 or 6 offer then dont waste your time and a comprehensive offer. But do not send them empty offers, do write something and do complete attempt to convince them to accept your offer, how to convince them? You should learn it.

The next tip is to make your buyer a repeated buyer. Impress them as much as you can by your conversation skills, your work and such conversing language. Force them to come again or refer someone to to order you again. So imagine if you got this kills and successfully made 5 repeated buyers then how much you earn? $50 with $5 offers. You also need to learn that how to convert a client from $5 to $100+.

Promoting Gigs are very important which can boost your sales and bring buyers to your gigs where you can offer them and get bunch of dollars as a reward. Because when you promote your gigs then give access to people out of fiverr and if they like your work and need that service then he will definitely ask you to do it for him/her too. But the audience and traffic should be authentic not like posting in Pakistani, Indian etc groups so it very important to know whom you are targeting.

If you are promoting your gigs but still not getting good response or there could be some others reason that why are you not getting orders so firstly we will discuss how to make a gig unique and eye catcher for your buyers.

How to make a comprehensive and strong good looking Profile?

It is also very essential as buyers before ordering do investigate the authenticity of buyer and visit your profile on first glance so make it cool there are some tips in the following.

If you are offering services of same categories but on different sub categories then use your profile name similar to your niche. For instance if your Providing service of WordPress then select user name similar to niche WP_Installer, WordPress_Jinny, WP_master etc.
Verified or attach Facebook and Gmail with your account as it build a trust between seller and buyers.
Write a Comprehensive Details about you, including 1 line short intro about who you are and 2 lines about your skills with 1 line your experience and how can you make your buyers satisfy with your work.
Never Copy someone else’s intro about you.
Add a Profile Photo whether of yours or matching to your niche both are suggested and depend upon your profile.
How to set up a Gig that can look unique and force your buyer to click order now?

It also important because before ordering a gig he/she check up the service and if they find it good then they orders you otherwise find someone else’s to dot the task.

There are some important factors that would be very helpful for you:

Title should be unique and different from others but should have the proper wording describing your gigs because buyers don’t get your description at first glance, you will have to force them to click on your gig and for this very purpose your image and title should be unique and eye catching. Also add some best words with the title like Professional, eye catching, killer, Advance, in 24 hours, Brilliant and many more etc.
Title of the gig should be short but describe your gig and capitalize or prominent the 1 word about what gig is like I will design a LOGO, so here LOGO is capitalized.
Add an Image that look excellent and add your name on it, if you are having badge also add that via Photoshop. Try to make a image or find it on Google just edit and you are done. Add three Images but the image which you will add at first will shown where your gig is listed. Observe the image/Photo as a buyer and decide will buyers come on my gig or not.
Select the Right category and sub-category for your gig or get others offers listed and check their sub-category shown on the top and bottom of title and do it. Because most of buyers find their required service through category or sub-category.
Write a comprehensive description which will describe your complete services and this the most important factor which force the buyers to place a order. If you are not getting an idea to write it more effective and comprehensive then visits others but similar gigs of others seller, read them of 5-6 description , get an idea and write it in your own words. Remember never try or dare to copy someone’s material as it comes in copyright and fiverr can ban your for this action.
Add Proper Tags as it helps you in finding or appear in search suggestion and a chance that buyers will be yours.
Use some Keywords in your description as sometime your gigs also appear in Google searches.

Healthy criticize is acceptable from Top rated, level 1 and 2 sellers.

Please do review if you find some mistakes so I ca edit and corrrect it.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest ninjanic

Hi! I checked out your gigs. I’d recommend doing promotional sales, like dropping the prices of all your extras to $5. Also, add some more pizzazz into your gig description! Yell at the buyers! You want to make them buy! Good luck!

Check out my gig ! Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest itmichelle

I must confess that your writeup is good. thanks for this tips, Am also new on fiverr, and I believe in making great impact on my customers. Here is my click below

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  • 1 month later...
Guest saurabhpmondal

Hello Sir,

My name is Saurabh Mondal.

For the last 9 years I have been working on a organisation with the Data Entry, Web Research and Virtual Assistant, Graphic Designing.

Below are my Gigs, I am sure many of them will be very helpful to your daily requirements:

I sure that my experience can be beneficial for your company.

I made many improvements in the working process working in the previous company, which can be useful for your company too.

It would be pleasure for me to contact you, sir.

Best wishes.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Incredibly useful and extensive post @sam_innocent, thank you for going into such details.
I think I’ve applied most of what you wrote to my new gig HERE which I think is a cool gig 😎
I’m super new so I’d appreciate if anyone will check it out and get back to me via messages if they found some flaws in it or have some tips on improving the gig. 🎁

Thanks again for the post and thanks for checking it out!

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