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Unruly and Unreasonable Buyers


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Hi. So lately I have had to deal with unruly and unreasonable buyers. Most of them order my Gigs and pay less than they should but demand Gig Extras and when I point this out to them, they get rude and insulting…very insulting.

Most of them say Fiverr services are $5 and they can’t be paying more.

I don’t understand how Fiverr makes it very clear how the system works but all some buyers see is EVERYTHING COSTS $5.

Just now I had an altercation with a buyer who first ordered wrongly then suggested I include an extra and when I told him the charge and nicely asked if he would adjust his gig or cancel, he sent me a stinker with lots of invectives and threatened to give me a bad review…and then her refused my cancellation request.

I don’t think we should be forced to do or deliver Gigs to clients who refuse to order properly. It is an open market. If my terms are not comfortable there are other people whose terms may be.

Occasionally I have buyers appeal to me to do gigs for less because they have limited budgets and sometimes I do it. We are human after all. But rudeness and unruliness is wrong and should not be tolerated.

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I feel for you. The modification button needs to be revised. It is being abused. Between the modifications and the threat of a low rating if you don’t do as they ask, buyers are making Fiverr a unpleasant place to work. It seems to be getting worse and I don’t think Fiverr really cares. After all, even when you refund, the money stays in Fiverr so they are not losing money. But for sellers, they lose time, money and morale soon lessens. I know people will say “move on” but it gets tougher and tougher to do so as Fiverr has become a place for buyer manipulation instead of a market for services and products.

If Fiverr wants to give buyers free will on modification requests, than get rid of the rating system. Just imagine if you did not have to worry about your rating when you get an unreasonable buyer request.

Maybe sellers needs an “arbitration” button so no rating is given until the dispute is settled.

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You should never be abused by a customer. Just send a mutual cancellation and send a CS ticket. They will see the conversation and help.

It really takes about 100 deliveries to figure your gig description and offering out. This is normal. I have changed and revised offers more than 3 times until it was just right.

After looking at your first gig, I would suggest this for your gig.


For $5, I will record a 30 seconds (Approximately 65 words) video testimonial for your business, service or product in English. The video will be in HD. The video will be recorded against a neutral background in the clothing you see on the gig intro video.

For $25.00, I will record a 90 Second (Approximately 190 words) video testimonial. The video will be in HD. The video will be recorded against a neutral background in the clothing you see on the gig intro video.

If your needs are different, I would enjoy sending you a custom quote.

1 Gig extra:

I will provide $20.00 of service as previously discussed.


I would provide great audio and lighting for both packages.

I would not list any other gig extras. I know that’s crazy. We have to assume that this is your customer’s first order on Fiverr and they really don’t understand the process. They are also not going to read.

If you get an order that is not 1 of the 2 options, you can send a mutually cancellation because you don’t offer what they ordered.

I will usually state:

Thanks for your order, I do not provide what you ordered. It was great to meet you. I look forward to working with you in the future.


Thank you for your order. Your script is 600 words and this gig includes 200 words. If you would like to start this order, please send the additional $35.00 or we can mutually cancel this order. I look forward to working with you.

It is important to make sure you don’t come across as a bait and switch. Really offer the mutual cancellation.

You also have a content issue. Are you making up what you are saying, or are you prepared for them to send you a script? The script would make your life easier, but then you would have to say it, using a teleprompter or something.

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