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I am getting alot of impression?


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@ashantie Here are a few quick tips based on a glance at your profile. For the profile itself, instead of listing your years of experience, say something more about what you buyers need and how you can fill those needs. The beginning is nice, that you are honest and hard-working, etc. After that, talk about the buyer. They want to know what you can do for them! You can provide them data-entry, clerical and accounting services at a good price. That profile should be about the buyer and what they need, but also about why you are the right choice.

Your images are a mess and I’m not saying that to be mean at all. They might be fine but I can’t tell because the sizing is so skewed. Read carefully about the right size for a gig image, create a unique one and see how it looks. If it looks funny (stretched thin or like a wide balloon) you’ll need to work with it. You may want to do some nice images that show more what you do than what you look like for the gigs themselves. The profile is great for what YOU look like, the gigs show what you DO.

Get a very trusted friend or family member to help with the English on your gig descriptions. It is pretty rough. You can hire people to help as well but if you do, get someone who is a native speaker of some clear English dialect.

Your gig descriptions need to be very clear about what you do for $5 and your extras need to be very clear about what you do for extra money.

@desire24 - Your written English is very, very difficult to read. You have glaring errors just about everywhere. Also, translating to ANY language means you are either a genius or you are using an automatic translator. If you are a genius, get off of Fiverr and go do something that makes a ton of money. If you are using an automatic translator, expect to have a hard time. According to Google, the profile photo you have up is related somehow to Lady Gaga. I didn’t look closely at the Google results, but the photo is weird at best even if it was you. Sorry, but that’s what I see. Not professional.

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