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I'm not getting orders from Fiverr


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Hey man,

First of all, welcome to Fiverr! Let me tell you that this is one of the best places you can be to jump-start your freelance career. But make no mistake about it, this isn’t gonna be a bed of roses.

This is one tough journey that you have to go through. Getting that FIRST SALE is always the hard part. You start with NO reviews, NO feedback, and naturally, everyone’s skeptical about you and your services.

All I can suggest to you is to FIX your profile, write and describe your gigs well, and pray hard for that first sale. Right off the bat, I suggest for you to FIX your capitalizations. Write your profile and descriptions with proper grammar.

After that, you just promote your gig on Social Media, and give it a few days. You’ll eventually get an order. Once you do, work your butt off and provide the best customer service you can give to that customer. OVER-DELIVER too! You need that positive review to get your sales going.

Good luck, man. Don’t you lose hope! The best is yet to come.

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Also, you do not have any real samples of actual websites you built. Just some pages with a bunch of templates. You need to show several photos of real websites you have built (of course be sure to ask the persons permission to use a screen shot of their site for advertising purposes).

You also need to make sure your ad has a bit better English as that is the largest percentage of buyers. (you don’t use a lowercase i when say I, you always use a capital by the way).

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