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Suspicious buyer


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Buyer bought a gig, I delivered it within time and all requirements.

The buyer said it was pro work (his words) after I delivered but did not complete the order.

Few days later he says in a private message : Please delete everything you made for me, I’m deleting my account.

He still did not complete the order. What will happen if he deletes his account and the order is in the ‘delivered’ status? What should I do because it is quite a large order and I worked very hard on it.

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That is really suspicious. I agree that you should contact support - use screen shots.

I also would not delete things, especially not until you’ve gotten in touch with customer service. The order should be auto-marked complete within 3 days.

I’ve had some customers who did order things, got their order delivered, and I got paid the standard 14 days after that. When I went to follow up with them later, their accounts were gone. It was weird, but deleting their account is their choice.

Definitely file a ticket. Best of luck.

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If it’s been a “few days” and the order didn’t automatically complete, what’s up? Did he request a modification or cancel?

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Wait it out for the three day auto complete. check his profile to see if its still active, and contact customer support on the matter if it is no longer active around the third day of completion and keep your records/notes, and so forth showing you did deliver the work, he said it was “Pro” and so on…

you should get paid for it still. and he can’t really fight the charge on fiverr, but he can request a charge back with his credit card company sadly and fiverr will comply…

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Reply to @fluffieball: No problem. 🙂

I agree with @ardicus. Hopefully, it will just auto complete and the buyer will simply walk away. (Or come back in a week and order more - stranger things have happened!) Good luck in any case.

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