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Need help with your gig description?


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Hello fellow sellers,

After lurking here on the forums, I’ve noticed that a lot of sellers struggle with writing good gig descriptions, so to help, I’m offering my services free of charge. I’m a professional writer and have worked in the field since 1996. Here’s the details of what I’m offering:

  1. I’ll rewrite one gig description per seller for free. It has to be an existing gig, and it must be on Fiverr.

  2. I can’t offer any guarantees about how long it will take for me to get the rewrite back. I have a lot of orders on Fiverr as well as additional clients to attend to, but I promise I will get them done.

  3. I want to do this to help new sellers or those who are struggling. While I won’t refuse to help anyone, please don’t ask me to rewrite a gig that’s doing well.

  4. You can add your gig link here or message me with the info. I’ll return the gig description the same way.

  5. All I ask in return for this service is that you let your customers who need writers know about me and keep me in mind for your own future writing needs.

  6. I may decide to stop doing this at any time based on my own schedule and how this goes; however, if I do decide to stop, I will complete any rewrites I have committed to before calling it quits completely.

    I have no idea what kind of response I’ll get with this, but I look forward to hopefully helping some fellow sellers.

    ~ The Red Dragon
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Guest christrowie

Freebies are always welcome, a cookie would be nice but I am sure this will help quite a lot of people. I’ll get things rolling for you by posting my newest gig - :o3

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Reply to @christrowie:

All set:

Did you recently add a new pet to your family? Wondering what to call him or her? You could settle for Fido, Spot, Fluffy or Fishy, but those names have been done before! Your new pet is special and deserves a name as unique as he or she is.

If you’re facing writer’s block, let me help you come up with an awesome name that will perfectly suit him or her. For just $5, I will provide you with a list of five unique monikers for any type of pet! Just send along a photograph of the new addition or a picture of a similar animal. You can even tell me some bits about his or her personality to assist with the naming.

Once I have everything I need, I’ll put my creativity to good use, developing five unique things that you can call your dog, cat, fish, bird, hamster or other creature! I won’t use generators or anything beyond my imagination, ensuring complete originality. The five options that I give you are sure to result in wagging tails, purrs of affection, tweets of satisfaction and other signs of approval.

Have questions? Feel free to send me a message before you order. I’ll be glad to assist you and further explain my service.

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Reply to @smokey07:

For your title, I’d try: I will give you a step-by-step guide to getting fit

Here’s the description:

Whether you want to slim down, tone up, increase your endurance or just feel less tired at the end of the day, it can be hard to know just where to start on your quest to be healthier and more active. To help you begin on your journey to a healthier you, I have put together a step-by-step guide that details proven fitness methods that you can easily add to your daily routine.

Typically, I sell the same guide on my website for $39, but for a limited time, I’m making it available for $5 exclusively here on Fiverr. With my fun tips and your dedication to getting fit, you’ll see real results in no time. Don’t wait another day to improve your health and well-being. Purchase my gig and get on the path to long-lasting fitness.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest jiannev

Hi! I need a little help in here. 😦 I don’t know if i’ve written my gig the right way. lol I’m a newbie here so bear with me please 🙂

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