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Not seeing much in the way of 3D logo renderings


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I’m looking to start a new venture. I know exactly what I’d like to have made, but I’m not a logo designer. I want what looks like a small horderves dessert cake, but rendered as if it’s actually sitting there in front of you. And you want to pick it up. A little stylized, but with a clear light source and sitting on a white surface that will blend in with the background of the web site.

I’ve spent over an hour clicking through providers and almost nothing is 3D object logos. Or even obvious vector art attempting to be 3D. I saw a couple items that piqued my interest in provider’s main image, but when I clicked through to samples, everything was flat art.

I’ve tried different categories and I’m just not finding what I want, or providers who make what I’m after.

Is there a better way to search for more 3D “physical” looking artwork logo?

To be clear, I don’t have a logo that I want “rasterized”. I need something new.

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