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Tips for buyers and sellers


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This is the new megatrend in Fiverr seller marketing. Writing pseudo articles to gain traffic on your gigs. I’m here to jump the bandwagon. Please spend your money on my gigs.

Tips for buyers

  1. Get your hard earned on your Fiverr account using the service best suitable for your needs.
  2. Search for the stuff you need (this step can be taken before uploading the money).
  3. Send a message to the seller who offers service you are interested in.
  4. After you have come to good terms with the seller order a gig.
  5. Wait for the delivery and make revision requests if needed.
  6. Give feedback.
  7. Enjoy your product.

    I’m not going to add a link to my gigs because you are most likely hypnotized to follow my lead anyway. Also it may upset people on the forum who say it is spam. This is not spam, this is a tip for buyers article.

    Hope you like this marketing. I will be back with more useful (I’m monetizing on you, dear….) information for you buyer’s / sellers and what not.
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Guest apexservice

Hello pictureduke,

first of all thanks for your tips, i just watch your gigs, i think its really good art and design services gig.

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