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"Cartoon" gig demand and strange link (phishing or what?)


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Hello everybody. I received a demand for a gig. This message did have a really strange link in it.


I need Arab character like this:


First, none of my gigs are about making cartoons.

Second, these links do not seem safe at all (https, encrypted, with kind of a referer…)

Third, I did “report” the message, but I saw that there’s no possibility to indicate the reason of reporting, and I would like Fiverr team to investigate into these links and user.

Did you also receive this type of message? What do you think about the link? Do the Fiverr team look into the “reported” users?

Thanks. Mina.

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I got an odd gig order last week also. I requested the buyer cancel (as it had nothing to do with the gig) and surprisingly they did (after telling me it was easy and how much money I could make). I just sent drew it to the attention of customer support who said they had investigated the behavior of the buyer but wouldn’t be able to tell me what the outcome was.

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