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My account has been Flagged, Now support taem is not repying my question & no one is willing to talk to me about it.


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After conducting a thorough review of discussions concerning flagged and restricted accounts were in every occasion the answer here in the forum seamed to be the same. Either contact customer support tagging them of there social media channels I followed as instructed and did exactly that. And I have to say my experience was not optimal to say the least.

First, some context on my situation. I have been a Loyal Fiverr Seller for the past 3 years. Selling 145 successful orders. I have been a freelancer for the past 5 years and counting. I'm was a lucky freelacer who got his gig ranking on the top of the page in one month, after just a few months of working with this platform I decided to give it my all and work 100% through it.

My success in the platform has also attracted some malicious parties. That have been not only trying to hack several aspects of my life but also have impersonated me in several occasions. alots of buyer offered me to work on there projects on monthly basis outside of fiverr, I refused them all. I was know that it's agains of fiverr rules & why I'm working outside of fiverr if they message me on fiverr.
I have built a healthy set of clients that come back to work with me on a monthly basis. These amazing clients are what I'm most worried about, since they cannot even contact me now and there is no way for me to explain to them what is going on and say proper goodbyes, more on why later on this post.

Now the events that went down in the past months.

few months ago, after updating my gigs. My Gig start ranking on the first page of the fiverr. I was enjoying alots of features that are availiable for qualified freelancers (promoted GIg, Subscription, etc) Also guided a lots of poeple who don't know how fiverr actually work.

The very next day I see my account has been flagged, and after passing the initial crisis I came to the forum and read as much as I could about it. Then googled more on the topic and everywhere I read the same recommendation was given. "Explain the situation to your to customer support and hope they help" many users say there is no hope, but as the internet is, I thought it was the ones that could not do anything about it (as I am doing right now) but I was sure the support team would help me. At the end I have been all in with the platform and I didn't see why I wouldn't get some help clarifying the situation.

The first communication I did was with my CS, Zeljko, I wrote an email about the situation, Also as one of the main issues I read are about inconsistent location and I am a digital nomad I clarified all my travels within the past month (I have moved more than the usual this summer).

After 4 very long hours I got my first answer (and only answer so far from CS bot)    :

"Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to Fiverr Customer Support regarding the status of your account.

After careful review, your account has been flagged due to location inconsistencies or other activities indicating a connection to violations of our Terms of Service. Consequently, your participation in Fiverr's level system is permanently restricted.

Please be advised that this was reviewed multiple times and the decision is final. For more information on our policies and guidance on adherence, please refer to our Community Standards.

Best regards,

The Fiverr Team"

I replied on that ticket for further clarification on the specific reasons for the action taken & there was no response for 7 days

Here is where I started to feel no one would really help me or study my case in detail. The system flagged me so I must be in the wrong, end of story.

I gather my strength after crying for an hour feeling all the work I have done for the past 3 years has been lost and decided to go the instance number message again them,

Again I wrote in detail the situation in a support ticket and I wish I had not done this. As all support did was get my account that was flagged, what seemed to be an automated answer that did not address the questions I had and closed the case directly without any chance for me to ask any further questions (this is the first time this I have experienced this behavior from CS in my 3 years of experience they always leave the cases open in case you have further questions or more information to give, but after several attempts at communicating with them since this time it seems it is the way they handle this type of situations)

I didn't lose all hope and tried again.

This second time They alleged that you have used certain tools/software to conceal your true location at times, trying to circumvent our system with misleading information.. This is simply not true and I have all my location proofs.

I tried a third time and the answer was again completely different. This time they say that Unfortunately, we have no further information to add to this case and all future inquiries will have the same response. I'm afraid your account will remain flagged. The only reason a different account may be used VPN that was automically connected on 9 may 2023, when all internet was suspended by governoment for four days. I was have 2 orders in queu, delivery time was one day. In my browser (Firefox) there was a VPN extention that automatic connected when one network is not reaching. My Fiverr account opened, I responded to orders & delivered it before due date. after delivering order just saw that my VPN was connected automatically, I shocked at that time but after reaching to fiverr forum, a person explained that there is not issue to use VPN, I'm using VPN since I joind. He was correct, he is a top rated, Fiverr pro verified seller. After reading their answer I become really happy that there is mo issue. But After one long year later they have now flagged my account.

I'm now only recurring to the forum with the hope that someone with the authority to review my case reads this.

If you are reading this and know anyone that can give a proper review to my case, please help me out by sharing this thread with them.


Attached I leave my gig when I'm new seller & on the first page and the person who said you can. Also the Two orders in queue on that day.

Screenshot f.png

Screenshot (29)f.png

Edited by arsalan_design1
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