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Somebody placed a order and his accounts kept getting baned. I think its a scam


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Hi, im a new seller in Fiverr. I placed my first gig yesterday morning and just a couple hours after i received a order. This order was placed without any message before and just after this person paid for it, his account got banned. I recall he sent me a link to a fake Fiverr place where it had my gig and it said the customer already paid for the order, but nothing of that appeared on my Fiverr account. Just after that, he sent me a message trough another account, he asked for my email and since im such a dork, i gave it to him. 

I think after that i got a mail from this email: order_reg11259@icloud.com, which i'll link here. It sent me to a page where i introduced my debit card, but i have like only 6 dollars on that card so it told me i needed a card that had at least 250EUR to ''avoid fraud''.

I was really happy because of the order, but i ''felt'' for the scam, but thankfully i didnt put my main credit card on it, but now this Pakistani scammer has my email and probably the info to one of my cards, so i dont know what to do...


And yes, in the email the links to the social media is unclickable, and when i open the link from this email in private mode in another window it still takes me to the receive payment thing. Its a good scam method anyways. What should i do?

Thanks for any help beforehand


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