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Account Flagged



Hi @fiverr_creation my account flagged. I contacted to Fiverr Team but responded to my " location inconsistencies".  what does it mean I followed everything and there is any violence that I did Fiverr against rules? I saw this issue happing wth many people please prodive us full support and sort out to this issue. We need the solution of this issue. I hope you will solve this issue as soon as possible. Thanks

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9 minutes ago, me_saifkhan said:

what does it mean I followed everything and there is any violence that I did Fiverr against rules?

It could be due to any of the following reasons:

1. If you used a VPN while surfing Fiverr (or even if Fiverr was open in the background while you were surfing something else with a VPN).
2. If you used public WiFi or college WiFi (where there may be multiple students/persons using the same WiFi while using Fiverr).
3. Using a second-hand device, as there are chances that the first owner had a Fiverr account.
4. If you have two or more accounts, which is against Fiverr TOS.

If you believe that you were not engaged in point 1 or point 4 --- and if you are flagged due to point 2 or 3 (or any other reason), reach out to customer support and explain the situation to them.

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