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Nothing seems to work for me, to get new clients on board. :( Need Help!



Hey Fellow Designers, I Need Your Advice!

You know, being an interior designer is my passion, but lately, it's been tough. I've been sending out tons of proposals, putting my heart and soul into each one. I'm talking about customizing every proposal to fit the client's needs, sometimes even creating a whole design concept to show them what I can do. But here's the thing – it seems like they're not even opening my emails. It's like my proposals are just disappearing into a black hole.

Where Am I Going Wrong?

I've tried everything I know. My portfolio is up-to-date with my best work, and I make sure each proposal is tailored to the client's style and needs. I've even started including 3D renderings and mood boards in my proposals to give them a real feel of my vision. But no matter what I do, I'm just not getting a response.

A Little Help from My Friends

So, I'm reaching out to you, my fellow interior designers. Have you ever been in this boat? What strategies have worked for you in getting clients to notice your work? Is there something I'm missing in my approach? Maybe there's a trick to make my emails stand out, or perhaps I need to rethink how I'm presenting my designs?

Open to All Suggestions

I'm all ears for any advice, tips, or tricks you might have. Whether it's about improving my proposals, networking strategies, or even just general business advice for an interior designer feeling a bit lost. I love this job, and I know I have a lot to offer – I just need to find a way to show it to potential clients.

Thanks in advance for your help and looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Warm regards,

[A Frustrated but Hopeful Interior Designer]

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It looks like you're doing everything right. Perhaps it's the time of the year? December and Christmas...some sectors of business can be slower? I am imagine most people will do interior designing after the new year? You know...a new beginning with a new interior after new years?

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Hmm, I'm really not sure. I normally find that when you chase after orders on Fiverr...they turn out to be not serious buyers. The serious ones, message and buy usually within the hour. I do send a message to people if they've messaged me once....I send a message the next day asking if they are still looking or found someone as I'd be happy to help. But I don't do any work before hand. Just a message is enough.

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