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kindly check my gig and inform me about lacks in my gig?


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11 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

What have you implemented so far?

I improved my gig gallery, add portfolio, make introduction videos, make attractive gig images and use my professional picture in profile and gig images, As per your instruction i added my portfolio in also gig images instead of more text and gig prices also reduced. 

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On 9/12/2023 at 10:45 PM, hazelweb said:

I improved my gig gallery, add portfolio, make introduction videos, make attractive gig images and use my professional picture in profile and gig images, As per your instruction i added my portfolio in also gig images instead of more text and gig prices also reduced. 

  • I am sorry to say that your gig gallery is still not impressive. Video is just okay..
  • Primary Gig Image: Why have you added text content there when gig description is already there to describe your services?
  • Simply do some research regarding your niche on Fiverr and observe how other sellers are offering their services.
  • Change your English language settings from Native to Basic/Conversational because it is not good enough yet. You need to work on it too. (saying this after reading your gig titles, personal description, gig descriptions etc. 

P.S. Still, there is a lot of room for improvement (gigs). 

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On 9/11/2023 at 10:48 PM, hazelweb said:

My gig on top but have no click

I'm not an expert, but I'm also a new seller on Fiverr. I can guess that your gig isn't getting any clicks because your title isn't clear and concise or attractive to potential buyers. I also see that you don't have a display picture for your gig. I recommend changing your title and setting a good gig image.

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On 9/13/2023 at 2:21 AM, smartdezigns said:

Primary Gig Image: Why have you added text content there when gig description is already there to describe your services?

I know i didn't implement your this advice on my all gigs but 2 to 3 gigs. It's not that I didn't implement.

On 9/11/2023 at 1:54 AM, smartdezigns said:

You are never gonna implement any tips suggested by experienced sellers so why bother to ask the same question again and again? 

The purpose to ask the same question again and again is only that I can find more tips to experienced seller.

On 9/13/2023 at 2:21 AM, smartdezigns said:
  • Simply do some research regarding your niche on Fiverr and observe how other sellers are offering their services.
  • Change your English language settings from Native to Basic/Conversational because it is not good enough yet. You need to work on it too. (saying this after reading your gig titles, personal description, gig descriptions etc. 

P.S. Still, there is a lot of room for improvement (gigs)..

Well thanks for your valuable tips. 

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